Thursday, January 17, 2013

Radioactive elements from the Fukushima nuclear disaster are spreading across the Pacific Ocean toward the U.S. However, Americans are not in great danger due to dilution and the decays of the radioactive nuclides during their 5-year journey to the west coast. Moreover, the levels of radioactivity tolerable by the human body are much higher than specified by the prevailing Linear-No-Threshold (LNT) model, which has been retained despite irrefutable data to the contrary (see link below this header). On the other hand, many Japanese living near the wrecked Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant have received dangerous doses due to coverups by Tokyo Electric Power Company and Japanese government bureaucrats. Be sure to watch the video, where one Ms. Mori gives the bureaucrats holy hell for their failure to produce any of the needed reports after repeated demands by the citizens, and for saying virtually nothing when Ms. Mori called on them by name. It's beautiful! The Mayor, who was himself misled by the bureaucrats, spoke at length, expressing great remose.

Fukushima: West Coast cesium slam ahead, hair falling out, Tepco data flaw

FUKUSHIMA | JULY 16, 2012 | BY: DEBORAH DUPRE | Original Here

Human rights violations escalate amid Fukushima catastrophe

As hair falls out of a Fukushima victim's head, a new German study reports that North America’s West Coast will be the area most contaminated by Fukushima cesium of all regions in Pacific in 10 years, an "order-of-magnitude higher” than waters off Japan, according to a new German study followed by a former New York Times journalist going inside the no-entry zone and reporting radiation levels over 10 times higher than Tepco’s data.

"After most citizens evacuated, I evacuated, too," testified Mr. Idogawa, Mayor of Futaba Town where Fukushima Daiichi is located. "I didn’t know still some people remained in the town.

"One of them told me, 'My hair fell off,' with tears in her eyes. I’m so sorry for them still," Idogawa stated about the Fukushima nuclear human rights violations continuing in Japan, as published by Ato Munch.

Hair falling out is one of the most common of the eight signs of radiation poisoning.

"When debris fell from the sky, I thought it might be the end," Idogawa continued.
"My heart is full of anger."

(Watch the compelling "Futaba Mayor's testimony of Fukushima" on the YouTube video embedded below.)
'Futaba Mayor's testimony of Fukushima Daiichi at the Diet': Mr. Idogawa, Mayor of Futaba Town, home of Fukushima Daiichi, testifies about explosion and Japanese government not announcing SPEEDI data, so Futaba's citizens evacuated northwest where radiation drifted. Many Futaba citizens radiated, including children. Credit: Ato Munch. ENEWS, YouTube

New study indicates severe West Coast impact

"After 10 years, the concentrations become nearly homogeneous over the whole Pacific, with higher values in the east, extending along the North American coast with a maximum (~1 × 10−4) off Baja California," a new research report states.

Coinciding with the release of the new Gwerman report, Takashi Uesugi, a former New York Times reporter, went inside the no-entry zone and reports radiation levels over 10 times higher than Tepco’s data.

The new research report, Model simulations on the long-term dispersal of 137Cs released into the Pacific Ocean off Fukushima, states:
In the following years, the tracer cloud continuously expands laterally, with maximum concentrations in its central part heading east. While the northern portion is gradually invading the Bering Sea, the main tracer patch reaches the coastal waters of North America after 5–6 years, with maximum relative concentrations ( > 1 × 10−4) covering a broad swath of the eastern North Pacific between Vancouver Island and Baja California. Simultaneously some fraction of the southern rim of the tracer cloud becomes entrained in the North Equatorial Current (NEC), resulting in a westward extending wedge around 20°N that skirts the northern shores of the Hawaiian Archipelago. After 10 years the concentrations become nearly homogeneous over the whole Pacific, with higher values in the east, extending along the North American coast with a maximum (~1 × 10−4) off Baja California. The southern portion of the tracer cloud is carried westward by the NEC across the subtropical Pacific, leading to increasing concentrations in the Kuroshio regime again.
The research report, authored by Erik Behrens, Franziska U Schwarzkopf, Joke F Lübbecke and Claus W Böning that was published in Environmental Research Letters, also states:
"With caution given to the various idealizations (unknown actual oceanic state during release, unknown release area, no biological effects included, see section 3.4), the following conclusions may be drawn. (i) Dilution due to swift horizontal and vertical dispersion in the vicinity of the energetic Kuroshio regime leads to a rapid decrease of radioactivity levels during the first 2 years, with a decline of near-surface peak concentrations to values around 10 Bq m−3 (based on a total input of 10 PBq). The strong lateral dispersion, related to the vigorous eddy fields in the mid-latitude western Pacific, appears significantly under-estimated in the non-eddying (0.5°) model version. (ii) The subsequent pace of dilution is strongly reduced, owing to the eastward advection of the main tracer cloud towards the much less energetic areas of the central and eastern North Pacific. (iii) The magnitude of additional peak radioactivity should drop to values comparable to the pre-Fukushima levels after 6–9 years (i.e. total peak concentrations would then have declined below twice pre-Fukushima levels). (iv) By then the tracer cloud will span almost the entire North Pacific, with peak concentrations off the North American coast an order-of-magnitude higher than in the western Pacific."
The model integrations were performed at North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN) and the Kiel University computing center.

While radioactive air has already reached the United States, radioactive water from Fukushima's nuclear reactors could reach the US West Coast in the next five to six years, doubling radioactivity of US coastal waters, according to simulations carried out by the German oceanographers. Their study report also states:
"Tentatively assuming a value of 10 petabecquerel (PBq) for the net 137Caesium (Cs) input during the first weeks after the Fukushima incident, the simulation suggests a rapid dilution of peak radioactivity values to about 10 Bq/m³ during the first 2 years, followed by a gradual decline to 1–2 Bq/m³ over the next 4–7 years. The total peak radioactivity levels would then be about twice the pre-Fukushima values.
“We were of course not surprised that there is a mixing effect, but we were surprised at how quickly the tracer spread,” Claus Böning, co-author of the German study, told environmentalresearchweb.

ENEWS urges readers, "Watch: Former NYTimes journalist goes inside no-entry zone, reports radiation levels over 10 times higher than Tepco’s data (VIDEO)."

The unprecedented nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima has been shown in a recently released official report to have been man-made.

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