Does Truth Have A Future In America? — Paul Craig Roberts
January 2, 2013 | Original Here
This site,, is for readers. There is nothing on this site except information. The site will continue as long as readers support it.
There is no political, social, economic, or ideological agenda
associated with this site. For the most part, readers who come to this
site are capable of independent thought. They are aware that the media
is agenda-driven and full of disinformation. They realize that voters do
not control the government through the ballot box. Readers come to this
site, because they are seeking explanations that are closer to the
truth or more plausible than the self-serving ones they are given by the
media, corporations, politicians, and government officials.
This makes readers of this site unique. In my 35 years of experience
in journalism, I have found that most readers read in order to confirm
what they already think and believe. It is the same for the right-wing
and the left-wing. They cannot escape their ideological boxes and are
creatures of their biases. They want their prejudices vindicated and
their beliefs supported. A writer who tells them something that they do
not want to hear receives abuse. These readers cannot benefit from facts
and new information and change their minds. They already know
everything and only want information that supports their beliefs and
advances their agendas.
If a writer makes the case so clear that readers simply cannot avoid
it, the reader will intentionally misread the article or book and attack
the writer for saying everything that he does not say. The chorus will
join in the effort to shut down the unwelcome information before it
reaches others.
The Israel Lobby uses the technique of branding everyone who
criticizes, no matter how constructively and moderately, any Israeli
government policy, no matter how egregious, an anti-semite. The Israeli
government applies this tactic to its own Israeli political opposition
and to Jews themselves who are branded “self-hating Jews” if they
criticize government policy toward the Palestinians. The effect is to
deprive the Israeli government of constructive criticism. Only the
Israel Lobby could call former President Jimmy Carter an anti-semite.
Anyone who is not totally enthusiastic about Israel’s theft of
Palestinian lives and properties is an enemy of Israel. These wild
accusations from the Israel Lobby deprive anti-semite of any meaning.
Essentially, every moral person has become an anti-semite.
The identical hardline substitution of self-interest for factual
reality characterizes the American right and left. The right-wing
insists that America is going broke because of welfare spending. The
left-wing persists in its belief that government is capable of great
good if only the right people are in power and that social institutions,
such as religion, and inanimate objects, such as guns, are responsible
for human evil.
If a majority of Americans were like the readers of this site, truth
could prevail over special interests. Reality would inform social,
political, and economic life, and American prospects would be good. But
when a majority are hostile to facts and truths that do not support
their biases and serve their interests, there is a disconnect from
reality, which is the situation in America today.
It is ironic that the left-wing, which has a large repertoire of
tales of societies in the clutches of shamans, witch doctors and
priests, imposes its own artificial or make-believe realities on social,
political, and economic explanations. Leftists who appear to be
oblivious to the militarized murderous police state erected by Bush and
Obama still go out of their way to tell me how evil Ronald Reagan was
and that I must also be evil because I served in the Reagan
It is ironic that the Republican federal judges that the right-wing
said were so desperately needed to save the Constitution are precisely
the ones who have destroyed it. Americans can be indefinitely detained
or assassinated by their government on suspicion alone without due
process, because Republicans are enamored of the “unitary executive”
theory of presidential power. The Republican Supreme Court gave private
business corporations the right to purchase the US government in the
name of free speech, because Republicans believe private interests
should prevail over public interests.
It is easy to become discouraged by the clueless American majority.
However, as insightful people have remarked in the past, it only takes a
few determined people to change the world. On the other hand, in the
past governments did not have such technological advantages as they have
today. In a modern context, Paul Revere’s ride is hard to imagine. The
British would have shot him out of the saddle with a drone. How far
would Lenin have got if the Russian government had had spy drones
Perhaps our hope today is that the government’s disinformation produces unintended consequences that overwhelm the government.
Hope or no hope, truth is becoming harder to come by. During the
Vietnam war when Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, the New
York Times published them. However, during the Iraq war when a National
Security Agency whistleblower leaked the information to the New York
Times that the Bush regime was spying on Americans without obtaining
warrants from the FISA court as required by law, the New York Times told
the White House and sat on the story for one full year until Bush was
reelected. The newspaper might even have turned in the whistleblower.
When the Guardian and other newspapers were threatened by the US
government, they turned on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, the suppliers
of their headline stories.
To see the fate of whistleblowers, read Sibel Edmonds’ book,
Classified Woman. Few people are willing to undergo such wear and tear
in an effort to get truth to the American people.
There is another constraint on revealing truth. The human capital of
people with inside knowledge is destroyed if they speak out. Position,
contacts, invitations, income, and social life are all forfeited when an
insider becomes a dissenter or a truth-teller. Only the extremely naive
can believe that governments cannot keep conspiracies a secret,
“because someone would talk.” No one talks, because talking harms the
personal interests and human capital of the insider, and seldom does any
Al Jazeera was founded in the closing years of the 20th century to
provide more objective news coverage of the Middle East than the spun
news coverage of the Western media. The news organization soon fell
afoul of Washington and its Middle Eastern puppet states and was reined
in by censorship, threats, and actual physical attacks by US military
forces on its Kabul and Baghdad offices.
Truth-tellers are inconvenient. Major General Antonio Taguba was
given the assignment of conducting the official inquiry into the Abu
Ghraib prisoner abuse. Instead of covering up the incidents as he was
expected to do for his third star, he produced a professional and
truthful report. It was Taguba’s career that was terminated, not the
careers of those responsible for the illegal torture of prisoners. Gen.
Taguba was instructed to resign by Gen. Richard Cody, the Vice-Chief of
Staff of the Army. When told that he was going to be investigated,
Taguba said, “I’d been in the Army 32 years by then, and it was the
first time that I thought I was in the Mafia.”
General Benton K. Partin, the US Air Force’s munitions expert, wrote
to Senator Trent Lott on July 30, 1995: “The attached report contains
conclusive proof that the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal
Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was not caused solely by the truck
bomb. Evidence shows that the massive destruction was primarily the
result of four demolition charges placed at critical structural points
at the third floor level.”
Partin was Commander of the Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory
and had ultimate responsibility for all nonnuclear weapons in the Air
Force. His report fell on deaf ears and disappeared down the memory
So did the report of University of Copenhagen nano-chemist Niels
Harrit, a member of a team of scientists who found reacted and unreacted
nano-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center towers. The
findings of this scientific team are known in Europe and Canada, but
were not reported by the US media. Anyone who still believes the
official story of 9/11 should listen to the interview with this
accomplished scientist or read, if able, the scientific paper.
They should also read the 9/11 Toronto Report: International Hearings
on the Events of September 11, 2001. Hearings were held at a Canadian
university in Toronto on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at
which experts and professionals presented evidence that the official
story of 9/11 is improbable. The hearings were conducted as if they were
a grand jury proceeding before a panel of judges consisting of
accomplished scholars and Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, the Honorary
President of the Supreme Court of Italy. Judge Imposimato cut his teeth
as the “scourge of the Mafia.” His cases involved the kidnapping and
murder of Italian President Aldo Moro, the attempted assassination of
Pope John Paul II, and the Mafia assassination of Carabinieri General
Carlo Alberto Della Chiesa.
Judge Imposimato concluded, as did the other accomplished members of
the panel, that “the omissions of relevant evidence in the NIST
investigation and the investigation of the Pentagon, their
contradictions and the lack of independence and impartiality, as a body
controlled by the Bush administration, requires an impartial,
independent scientific investigation group.”
As far as I am able to ascertain, the Toronto Hearings and the
decisions based on evidence alone by the panel of judges was never
reported in the US media. Not a single member of the US Congress raised
even one question. The American presstitutes were utterly silent.
The country in which we live is one in which the available
information consists of the government’s lies. Information in the
alternative media does not have a track record with the wider public.
Some of the sites are too loony to be taken seriously, and the
information provided by credible sites is too different from what the
public hears from the print and TV media for the public to take it
seriously. I have wondered if governments are behind the worst sites in
order to discredit alternative media.
Government agencies and corporations recognize the threat posed to
their control of explanations by internet writers and hire “trolls” to
use the comment sections of sites to discredit truth-tellers. The
combination of trolls and readers who only want to hear what they want
to hear can bury the truths that try to emerge.
The year 2012 consisted of a continuous sequence of destructive acts
by Congress and the White House. In a final destructive act, the Senate
passed the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013. This act
continues the unconstitutional grant of power to the executive branch to
violate all rights of US citizens. In the US laws cannot take
precedence over the Constitution. Yet, we now have successive National
Defense Authorization Acts that render the Bill of Rights moot.
There is no public uproar over the idea that national defense
requires that US citizens lose the protection of law that is granted by
the US Constitution. When citizens stand defenseless before their own
government, what national defense do they have?
The obvious conclusion is that most Americans are indifferent to liberty and are content with tyranny.
I am not indifferent. I cannot promise to always be right and never
make a mistake, but with your financial and moral support, truth will
continue to have a future on this site.
One 77-year-old’s search for the truth: 9/11, election fraud, illegal wars, Wall Street criminality, a stolen nuke, the neocon wars, control of the U.S. government by global corporations, the unjustified assault on Social Security, media complicity, and the "Great Recession" about to become the second Great Depression. "The most important truths are hidden from us by the powerful few who strive to steal the American dream by keeping We the People in the dark."

Thursday, January 03, 2013
In this column, Paul Craig Roberts reflects on the natures of the people who visit his web site, lamenting that most of those who stumble upon it are looking for confirmation of things that they already believe in. He emphasizes that such biases pertain to both right- and left-wingers and uses the example of left-wingers rejecting his views when they discover that he was a member of Ronald Reagan's cabinet. Being a progressive democrat myself, I may be "the exception that proves the rule": My esteem for Reagan rose considerably just by knowing that he sought out Dr. Roberts' wisdom. The people (like me) who return to his site are looking for the truths that they know the "mainstream" media have not, and never will, touch. The most important of these truths is what really happened on 9/11/2001. In this context, Dr. Roberts mentions a scientific publication with lead author Niels Harrit reporting the presence of a large quantity of military grade thermite (an explosive) in the dust of the fallen World Trade Center towers. As it happens, I was one of the peer reviewers of that excellent paper. (Find out more about this in the link below.)
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