Justin’s note: U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to steal your property.
taking office in February, he’s done all sorts of idiotic things. He’s
threatened to crack down on the legal marijuana market. He’s attacked
gay rights. And he even wants to amp up asset seizures. This is when the
government takes money and property from people. You don’t even need to
be convicted of a crime.
In this installment of our special holiday series, Doug Casey shares his thoughts on the subject…
Doug Casey on Asset Seizures |
Justin: Doug, what do you think of Sessions’ latest “bright” idea?
Well, let me preface this by saying Sessions was a disastrous choice
for Attorney General. He’s done nothing in his life but be a lawyer, a
prosecutor, and a politician. He has no experience—and therefore
probably no inclination or even ability—to produce things of tangible
we almost always get undesirables as the AG. They’re hatchet men, meant
to prosecute “the enemy,” taking their pick of the hundreds of
thousands of laws and regulations on the books to do so. Look at some of
the recent AGs—Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Alberto Gonzales, John
Ashcroft, Janet Reno. All of them would have been willing and obedient
lapdogs to Stalin or Beria. A certain personality type is suited for the
is a rabid drug warrior, even against something as useful and benign as
hemp, or marijuana. He’s a busybody who feels no guilt or remorse at
enforcing laws that have destroyed the lives of tens of millions. I
don't know if he's stupid, bent, thoughtless, paranoid or what his
problem might be. Maybe he’s afraid that if pot wasn’t illegal he’d
become a dope fiend himself. But the proper direction, the objective, is
to legalize all drugs. Not amp the drug war up another notch, as he
wants to do.
not only does he want to amp up the drug war, but he wants to increase
the State’s ability to confiscate citizens’ property—especially cash—on
even suspicion of breaking a law.
the meantime he's not doing anything to investigate the people in
Hillary’s camp for all kinds of apparent illegality. In fact, now that
Trump's in office, what ever happened to his promise of a real
investigation of what really happened to things like Building 7 on 9/11?
Or the strange deaths that seem to have surrounded the Clinton clan for
far the man seems all negatives no positives. He’s just another Deep
State actor who’s climbed the political ladder a little higher. These
guys all protect each other.
increasingly many of Trump’s choices are disastrous, like his National
Security Advisor McMaster and White House Chief of Staff Kelly. And
wormtongues Ivanka and Jared Kushner. This is perhaps an inevitable
problem when a President is just a pragmatist with no philosophical
core. Although, I hasten to add, having no core may be better than
having a rotten core, like Obama and others in the recent past.
Not to mention, asset seizures don’t work. Over the past decade, the
federal government has seized more than $28 billion. But that’s done
absolutely nothing to deter crime.
So, why would Sessions double down on this failed policy? Is he clueless? Or is the government just that desperate?
Doug: Good
question. Well, I’ve already speculated on some possible aspects of
Sessions’ character that might partially explain this. But all the
repressive aspects of government—civil forfeitures are just one—have
been growing and compounding for years. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s the
natural progression of all living organisms. They all want to grow,
exert more control on their environments, and become more powerful. The
problem is that government has unusual powers, and no longer seems to
have many limits. So you can expect this trend to accelerate.
saw the other day the government steals more from the American people
through confiscations than is lost outright to robberies and muggings.
It’s been reported that in 2015 civil forfeitures exceeded the amount
stolen by all robbers. It’s quite amazing and disturbing. There are at
least two reasons things are deteriorating.
one, as a general rule, police are no longer trained as “peace
officers.” They’re trained to be, and view themselves, as “law
enforcement officers.” This is a very different thing. The police are a
bigger threat to your property and your liberty, not to mention your
life, than actual criminals. Number two, these governments are all
bankrupt. They're looking for revenue wherever they can get it.
Predators are most dangerous when they’re hungry.
police are the ones that actually make it happen, and they have a
vested interest in doing the wrong thing. Whenever a police department
confiscates things under these laws, they get to keep some percentage.
It varies, but can be 10, 20, 30, 50 percent of what's confiscated, and
they love it because the money goes to the local police department in
question. They can use it for buying fun cop toys, or for buying further
educational benefits, or whatever, for themselves. So, they're
profiting from this stuff as directly as the criminals do that steal
things from citizens. It's a total disaster.
And remember, the Attorney General is the country’s top law enforcement officer.
Justin: Yeah, it’s scary.
the government is sinking deeper in debt by the day. So, I’m afraid
this is going to get worse before it gets better. Do you agree?
Doug: It's inevitable.
governments are digging themselves into deep financial holes. They're
going to need more and more revenue. The populace has been trained to
see the government as a cornucopia. As the economy goes into the
trailing edge of the current financial hurricane, they’re going to
demand even more freebies from all levels of government. So, the trend
will continue until there's some type of a crisis. At which point
anything can happen.
downtrend is in motion. And trends in motion tend to continue and
accelerate until they change. I like to draw attention to France in
1789, a horrible situation with its highly authoritarian and totally
bankrupt government. A revolution was necessary and welcome. But then
things got worse under Robespierre. And worse again under Napoleon. The
exact same thing with Russia in 1917—but then they got Lenin, and then
Justin: Absolutely. So, asset seizures won’t even put a dent in the government’s debt problem.
With that said, how else might the government steal money and property from people?
Well, they're now talking about making you declare your
cryptocurrencies whenever you cross a border. If you don't, and they
find out, they're eligible for confiscation. As cryptocurrencies get
bigger—and they will—this will constitute both a gigantic invasion of
privacy and an attack on your wealth.
governments already ask whether you have more than $10,000 when you
cross their borders, and reserve the right to search you. If this
becomes law, it means that you, your computer, and your smartphone will
always be liable to a full forensic audit.
It's another major step towards the world of 1984.
Every new law they pass has Kafka-esque possibilities. That’s what
legislatures around the world do every day they’re in session. All of
these laws have severe penalties. The trend in this direction—which
started in earnest just over 100 years ago—is going hyperbolic. And the
average human—miseducated, propagandized, and besotted by food and
drugs—wants more laws. Why? I think fear is today’s dominant emotional
tone. People want to be protected and cared for, like farm animals. They
see the State as their benevolent shepherd.
are no positive political trends in today’s world. They aren’t cutting
back on regulations, reducing taxes, or eliminating laws anywhere.
They're doing just the opposite.
Justin: So, how can people protect themselves from this?
Doug: It’s
increasingly hard because the statists, collectivists, socialists,
fascists, globalists, and the like have won the war for the hearts and
minds of the masses all over the world. And the world’s
governments—notwithstanding their inevitable wars and such—are
cooperating with each other far, far more than ever before.
In a nutshell, there are three things to keep in mind.
become as wealthy as possible. Although they can steal anything and
everything from you, the more you have the more damage you can sustain,
and the more influence you can exert.
diversify politically and geographically. You want to have some
convenient options if your government starts looking like Russia in the
‘20s, or Germany in the ‘30s, China in the ‘50s, Cuba in the ‘60s, etc.,
etc. It’s a very long list.
keep your head down. The tall poppy is the one selected for cutting. I
observe my first two rules, but not so much this one. That’s because
sometimes we have to make a choice between what’s smart and what’s
right. In my case, almost nothing is worth feeling like a whipped dog.
Justin: Thanks for taking the time to speak with me today, Doug.
Doug: My pleasure.
One 77-year-old’s search for the truth: 9/11, election fraud, illegal wars, Wall Street criminality, a stolen nuke, the neocon wars, control of the U.S. government by global corporations, the unjustified assault on Social Security, media complicity, and the "Great Recession" about to become the second Great Depression. "The most important truths are hidden from us by the powerful few who strive to steal the American dream by keeping We the People in the dark."

Saturday, December 30, 2017
Over the past decade, the federal government has seized more than $28 billion. But that’s done absolutely nothing to deter crime. The government steals more from the American people through confiscations than is lost outright to robberies and muggings. It’s been reported that in 2015 civil forfeitures exceeded the amount stolen by all robbers.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Paul Craig Roberts states that "Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax. That has now become so aparent that even insouciant Americans are catching on, even those low IQ ones who sit in front of TV news. I often disparage Congress, but here is a member who is admirable, Republican Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio." Be sure to play the videos two and eight paragraphs below. In the second one Republican Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio tells it like it is!!!
De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans
Dear Friends, I apologize for dumping this on you at Christmas, a time for peace and joy. But these are the facts. We can ignore them only at our peril.
De Facto Travel Restrictions Now Exist For Americans
Paul Craig Roberts
Green Party presidential Candidate Jill Stein is being investigated by the Senate Intelligence (sic) Committee for “Russian connections.”
What has brought Russiagate to Jill Stein? The answer is that she attended the 10th Anniversary RT dinner in Moscow as did the notorious “Russian collaborator” US General Michael Flynn. RT is a news organization, a far better one than exists in the West, but if you were one of the many accomplished people who attended the anniversary dinner, you are regarded by Republican Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina as a possible Kremlin agent. http://russia-insider.com/en/anti-russian-witch-hunt-comes-jill-stein-because-she-once-sat-next-putin-and-flynn/ri21998
What is going on here? Stein sums it up: “we must guard against the potential for these
investigations to be used to intimidate and silence principled opposition to the political establishment.”
Here I sit considering two interesting invitations. One is to speak at the main Plenary Session of the Moscow Economic Forum in April. The other is to speak at the Summit for Global Challenges in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan in May. The very minute I accept, the NSA will notify its mouthpieces, the New York Times, PropOrNot’s promoter the Washington Post, Senator Burr, and Special Russiagate Prosecutor Robert Mueller. Would I be renditioned to Israel or Eqypt or Saudi Arabia and tortured until I confessed that I was a member of the Trump-Flynn-Jill Stein Kremlin spy network?
As the United States is no longer a free country governed by a Constitution that protects civil liberty, that possibility cannot be discounted. What is for sure is that if I accept these invitations, the US Establishment will discredit my voice when I write about US/Russia relations. Indeed, that was the intention of the PropOrNot Washington Post story that attacked 200 truth-tellers as “Russian agents/dupes.” Many of those so attacked have experienced slower growth in their readership. After all, Americans and Europeans are insouciant. They are actually sufficiently stupid to believe what governments and print and TV media tell them.
I, too, was invited to RT’s 10th Anniversary celebration in Moscow. Imagining the celebration would be grand balls in palaces and myself, decked out in white tie with my French Legion of Honor dancing with those beautiful RT women, I almost accepted. But I learned in time that the event was conferences and speeches and decided to forego a Moscow winter.
Otherwise I would be in the dock with Trump, Flynn, and Jill Stein and whomever the Washington Gestapo settles on next.
Russiagate is an orchestrated hoax. That has now become so aparent that even insouciant Americans are catching on, even those low IQ ones who sit in front of TV news. I often disparage Congress, but here is a member who is admirable, Republican Representative Jim Jordan from Ohio. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/12/boom-rep-jim-jordan-goes-nuclear-rod-rosenstein-trump-hating-fbi-agent-peter-strzok-video/
Watch the short video and delight in the power and force with which Rep. Jordan goes after the piece of crap US deputy attorney general the Twitter President has in office. When the President of the United States has to rely on a congressman to call out the Justice Department and the FBI for its criminal actions and for its treason to overthrow both democracy and the elected government of the United States, you know we have elected a president who is too scared to defend himself. Roger Stone is correct, if Trump were a real man, Mueller, Comey, Hillary, Obama, and the rest of the criminal scum would be arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for their vast crimes, crimes that exceed those of anyone in prison today.
But Trump is nothing but talk. No action.
How much longer can I give interviews to Russian and Iranian media before the Washington Gestapo gives me a midnight knock on my door.
Whatever America is, it is not a free country.
If Trump wants to make America great again, he must shatter the CIA, FBI, NSA, and media into a thousand pieces. The concentrated power that President Eisenhower warned Americans about in 1961 is far too great for liberty to survive.
Instead, the weakest president in American history actually read the speech handed to him by the ruling neocon military/security complex and declared Russia and China inimical to Washington’s interests.
Americans are too insouciant to understand it, but this was a declaration of war against two countries, which when combined are more than a match for Washington.
Neither Russia nor China, much less an alliance between them, will accept Washington’s hegemony.
If the hubris-crazed fools in Washington persist, we are all going to die.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Beware. The U.S. is a police state. U.S. cops kill innocents without reason and get away with it.
We’ve all been there before.
You’re driving along and you see a pair of flashing blue lights in your rearview mirror. Whether or not you’ve done anything wrong, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach.
You’ve read enough news stories, seen enough headlines, and lived in the American police state long enough to be anxious about any encounter with a cop that takes place on the side of the road.
For better or worse, from the moment you’re pulled over, you’re at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to “serve and protect.”
This is what I call “blank check policing,” in which the police get to call all of the shots.
So if you’re nervous about traffic stops, you have every reason to be.
Trying to predict the outcome of any encounter with the police is a bit like playing Russian roulette: most of the time you will emerge relatively unscathed, although decidedly poorer and less secure about your rights, but there’s always the chance that an encounter will turn deadly.
For instance, it was just a year ago, in the early morning hours of Dec. 1, 2016, when Gregory Tucker, a young African-American man, was pulled over by Louisiana police for a broken taillight.
What should have been a routine traffic stop became yet another example of police brutality in America.
According to the lawsuit that was filed in federal court by The Rutherford Institute, Tucker was thrown to the ground by police, beaten, arrested and hospitalized for severe injuries to his face and arm, allegedly in retaliation for “resisting arrest” by driving to a safe, well-lit area before submitting to a traffic stop for a broken tail light.
Mind you, this young man complied with police. He just didn’t do it fast enough to suit their purposes.
If this young man is “guilty” of anything, he’s guilty of ticking off the cops by being cautious, concerned for his safety, and all too aware of the dangers faced by young black men during encounters with the police.
Frankly, you don’t even have to be young or black or a man to fear for your life during an encounter with the police.
Just consider the growing numbers of unarmed people are who being shot and killed just for standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding something—anything—that police could misinterpret to be a gun, or igniting some trigger-centric fear in a police officer’s mind that has nothing to do with an actual threat to their safety.
At a time when police can do no wrong—at least in the eyes of the courts, police unions and politicians dependent on their votes—and a “fear” for officer safety is used to justify all manner of police misconduct, “we the people” are at a severe disadvantage.
Add a traffic stop to the mix, and that disadvantage increases dramatically.
According to the Justice Department, the most common reason for a citizen to come into contact with the police is being a driver in a traffic stop.
On average, one in 10 Americans gets pulled over by police.
Indeed, police officers have been given free range to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons.
This free-handed approach to traffic stops has resulted in drivers being stopped for windows that are too heavily tinted, for driving too fast, driving too slow, failing to maintain speed, following too closely, improper lane changes, distracted driving, screeching a car’s tires, and leaving a parked car door open for too long.
Motorists can also be stopped by police for driving near a bar or on a road that has large amounts of drunk driving, driving a certain make of car (Mercedes, Grand Prix and Hummers are among the most ticketed vehicles), having anything dangling from the rearview mirror (air fresheners, handicap parking permits, troll transponders or rosaries), displaying pro-police bumper stickers, having acne, appearing nervous or driving with a stiff posture.
In other words, drivers beware.
Traffic stops aren’t just dangerous. They can be downright deadly.
From the moment those lights start flashing and that siren goes off, we’re all in the same boat.
Survival is the key.
Technically, you have the right to remain silent (beyond the basic requirement to identify yourself and show your registration). You have the right to refuse to have your vehicle searched. You have the right to film your interaction with police. You have the right to ask to leave. You also have the right to resist an unlawful order such as a police officer directing you to extinguish your cigarette, put away your phone or stop recording them.
However, there is a price for asserting one’s rights. That price grows more costly with every passing day.
If you ask cops and their enablers what Americans should do to stay alive during encounters with police, they will tell you to comply, cooperate, obey, not resist, not argue, not make threatening gestures or statements, avoid sudden movements, and submit to a search of their person and belongings.
The problem, of course, is what to do when compliance is not enough.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, every day we hear about situations in which unarmed Americans complied and still died during an encounter with police simply because they appeared to be standing in a “shooting stance” or held a cell phone or a garden hose or carried around a baseball bat or answered the front door or held a spoon in a threatening manner or ran in an aggressive manner holding a tree branch or wandered around naked or hunched over in a defensive posture or made the mistake of wearing the same clothes as a carjacking suspect (dark pants and a basketball jersey) or dared to leave an area at the same time that a police officer showed up or had a car break down by the side of the road or were deaf or homeless or old.
Frankly, the only truly compliant, submissive and obedient citizen in a police state is a dead one.
If you’re starting to feel somewhat overwhelmed, intimidated and fearful for your life and the lives of your loved ones, you should be.
You should be very afraid.
I am.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
"Mark [his] words. If passed, the Republicans will then rediscover the "deficit crisis," and push aggressively for massive cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education – higher education in particular – nutrition, affordable housing and more. They will seek to undo every major piece of legislation passed in the last 80 years designed to help working families, the elderly, the children, the sick and the poor." I'm wondering if any of you have learned these facts from the despicable mainstream meda? I doubt it. Trust Bernie and spread his message!
For the past 40 years, the financial and political elite of this country have rigged the tax code to redistribute wealth and income to some of the richest and most powerful people in this country. The result: we are moving rapidly toward an oligarchic form of society in which the top 1 percent is doing phenomenally well, the middle class continues to decline and 40 million Americans are living in poverty.
And it will probably not surprise you to learn that just as our tax
code benefits the wealthiest people in this country, it also benefits
some of the largest and most profitable corporations in the world with a
myriad of tax breaks, deductions, credits and other loopholes. As a
result, one out of five large profitable corporations today pays nothing
in federal taxes.
The current Republican “tax cut” bill, paid for by the Koch brothers
and other billionaire campaign contributors, continues the push to make
the rich richer at the expense of everyone else. It would raise taxes on
middle class families making $75,000 a year or less and would throw 13
million Americans off of health insurance. And it would do all of these
things to provide permanent tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and
profitable corporations that ship American jobs to China while moving
their American profits to the Cayman Islands.
But let's be clear. This legislation goes well beyond taxes. Its
ultimate goal is to radically transform American society and the role
that government plays in the lives of the working families of our
country. This legislation will increase the deficit by at least $1.5
trillion over ten years. Mark my words. If passed, the Republicans will
then rediscover the "deficit crisis," and push aggressively for massive
cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education – higher
education in particular – nutrition, affordable housing and more. They
will seek to undo every major piece of legislation passed in the last 80
years designed to help working families, the elderly, the children, the
sick and the poor.
This is the
Republican plan. Huge tax breaks for the rich and powerful. Massive cuts
to life and death programs for the middle class and working families of
our country.
This is not moral. This is not what the American people want.
This is not what our country and our pledge for "liberty and justice for
all" is supposed to be about.
That is why I am going on the road this week to talk directly
to working people in Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania about this
disastrous piece of legislation. If we stand together – black, white,
Latino, Asian American, Native American, male and female, young and old,
gay and straight – we can defeat this horrific bill. But I need you to
make your voice heard as well. We need to stand together.
Today in America, more than 40 million Americans, including 20 percent
of all children, live in poverty. Many in extreme poverty. Almost 28
million Americans have no health insurance. Millions of bright kids
can’t afford to go to college without facing a lifetime of debt. Seniors
and disabled veterans are struggling to stay alive on inadequate Social
Security checks.
Despite all of that pain, the greed of the billionaire class in this
country knows no limits. No. We will not allow them to take away from
those in need in order to give a trillion dollars in tax breaks to the
very rich.
Here’s a radical
idea for my colleagues in the Republican Party: instead of just
listening to the rich and powerful few in this country, maybe just maybe
Congress should listen to the majority of the American people who want a
fair tax system.
Maybe just maybe corporate tax reform should start by preventing
profitable companies from sheltering profits in tax haven countries like
the Cayman Islands.
Here is something you may not know:
A 2008 Government Accountability Office report found that 83 of the
Fortune 100 companies use at least one offshore tax scheme to lower
their taxes. A 2016 study found that one of every five large, profitable
corporations paid no federal income taxes at all in 2012.
The practice of stashing profits in places like the Cayman Islands has
become so absurd that one single, five-story office building there is
now the official legal “home” to more than 18,000 corporations! Our tax
code has essentially legalized tax dodging for large corporations.
We must stop this bill. We must stop the Republicans from moving this country into an oligarchy.
And that starts with all of us standing up, fighting back and making
our voices heard. Three weeks ago progressives from coast to coast ran
for office at the local and state level – and they won. We have to
continue that progress and build on that momentum.
Brothers and sisters. We must do exactly the opposite of what Trump is
attempting to do. He wants to divide us up by the color of our skin, our
gender, our religion, our sexual orientation or our country of origin.
He wants us fighting with each other while Wall Street and the
billionaire class laugh all the way to the bank.
Our job is to bring our people together around an agenda that creates
an economy and government that works for all, not just the 1 percent.
Defeating this terrible piece of legislation will be an important step
This bill is a moral abomination. I hope you’ll add your name if you agree.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
Friday, November 24, 2017
When I was 10 years old in grade school, my teacher would tell us to hide below our desks to practice being safe from a Russian attack. Of course, nothing like that every happened. However, in 1962 things became much more dangerous when Cuba installed a Russian ballistic nuclear missile to offset American missiles in Italy and Turkey. This was a very scary moment, but it was finally solved peacefully when Khrushchev and John Kennedy worked out a way to remove both the Russian missile in Cuba and the U.S. missiles surrounding Russia. Flash forward to the present: Most of the members of the American Congress are now pushing to destroy Russia with a sneak attack with hundreds of U.S. nuclear missiles. But by now Putin is on to that and is preparing a superior counter attack. Surely that should scare all Americans …yet unlike my grade school teacher, most Americans seem to be unconcerned. They don’t care if they and their children and grand-children all die suddenly?
Will America Survive Washington? — Paul Craig Roberts
November 13, 2017
| Categories: Articles & Columns
Paul Craig Roberts
In recent columns posted on my website, I brought attention to two dramatic and dangerous developments between the two major nuclear powers.
One was the public statement of the deputy commander of the Russian military’s Operation Command at a recent Moscow security conference. Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznihir, Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces, stated at the Moscow International Security Conference that the Operations Command of the Russian General Staff has concluded that Washington is preparing a nuclear first strike on Russia. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/05/11/are-you-ready-to-die/
The other is the report that the US is collecting Russian DNA for the US Air Force weapons laboratory, the implication being that the US intends to research if a bio-weapon can be created that only targets Russians. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/11/01/washingtons-barbarity-reaches-new-heights/
As far as I can ascertain, neither of these startling developments were reported in the US media. One would think that the White House would have been on the telephone to Putin giving reassurances that the US is not planning a surprise nuclear attack on Russia. One would think that the publication of US contracts for Russian DNA and Putin’s public statement about it would have immediately resulted in President Trump ordering a halt to the Russian DNA project.
But not a peep.
Instead, the morons ruling us are content to send two back-to-back messages to Russia that we intend to wipe out Russia.
Can you imagine anything more reckless and irresponsible than to convince a nuclear power that you have targeted them for destruction?
Where are the American and European media? The presstitutes are busy at work repeating endlessly the military/security complex and DNC’s lies about “Russiagate.” Alternatively, the presstitutes are focused on what the NFL’s national anthem policy will be.
We are experiencing the total failure of the leadership of a country.
While threatening Russia, the military/security complex and the presstitutes are simultaneously creating an ominous Russophobia among the US and European populations. https://www.globalresearch.ca/nato-tells-europe-prepare-for-a-russian-invasion-who-are-the-most-dangerous-russians-in-the-world-today/5617972
President Trump said after his recent unofficial meeting with President Putin that he believed Putin that there was no Russian government interference in the US election. This set off a cacophony of denunciations by presstitutes, dumbshit politicians, and corrupt military/security officials.
See Stephen Lendman: http://stephenlendman.org/2017/11/uproar-trumps-remarks-putin/
Recently I pointed out that these highly visible threats to Russians are mindless considering the military inferiority of the United States. The Saker concluded that I was correct in my assessment. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2017/11/06/saker-examines-pcrs-one-day-tomorrow-wont-arrive/
The Saker has now provided considerable detail documenting Russian military superiority. If the morons in Washington persist in their insane aggression against Russia, the US will completely disappear from the face of the earth and likely also its dumbshit European vassals. Here is The Saker’s presentation: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48185.htm
Meanwhile, the effort to keep Americans and Europeans totally ignorant of everything that is really happening, substituting Washington’s controlled explanations for actual reality, continues. For telling the truth, the news service RT has been forced to register as a “foreign agent” under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-brands-rt-a-foreign-agent-a-chilling-move-against-free-speech/5617908
In other words, the First Amendment, along with the rest of the US Constitution, has been repealed by Washington’s assertion of raw power, not limited by law or even morality.
According to the report (above) on Global Research, “This month, an organization calling itself the European Values Think-Tank, based in the Czech Republic and funded by the US embassy and foundations associated with billionaire George Soros, published just such a list, including the names of 2,300 RT guests, grouped into US and UK politicians, journalists, academics and celebrities. These individuals are, according to the think tank, ‘useful idiots’ for a ‘hostile foreign power.’”
I am not being facetious when I tell you “don’t expect to live much longer.” We are ruled by mindless, insane, psychopaths who believe that the US is invulnerable. These dumbshits are likely to get us all blown off the face of the earth. If you are not concerned that the US government is picking a fight with Russia (and China, North Korea, and Iran as well), something is wrong with you.
Friday, November 03, 2017
Members of the Congress and the military/security complex together with the spy agencies of the CIA want the US to become a police state. Whereas, Abraham Lincoln once said "The people are the masters of both the Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!" Who will win now? If you would like more guidance on this issue, be sure to play the link provided below. The fake news comes from the US, not Russia.
Washington Stomps on Civil Liberty
November 3, 2017
| Categories: Articles & Columns
Washington Stomps on Civil Liberty
Paul Craig Roberts
The insouciant American electorate is so inattentive that it routinely elects enemies of civil liberty to represent the public in Congress. Last Wednesday Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA), Rep. Trey Gowdy ( R, SC), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D, CA), Sen. Mark Warner (D, VA), Rep. Jackie Speier (D, CA), Sen. Tom Cotton (R , AR ), and Rep. Joaquin Castro (D, TX) tried to intimidate executives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google into blocking all digital dissent to the anti-Trump/Russian line taken by the DNC and military/secrurity complex and to serve as spy agencies for the CIA.
Two of the above—Gowdy and Cotton—are Republicans who have aligned themselves with the attack on Russia and Republican President Trump. What unites the members of the two parties is that they want a police state. Jackie Speier demands to know from Google why Google hasn’t “shut down RT on YouTube.” Joaquin Castro wants messages linked to Russia turned over to the US government. Trey Gowdy wants false statements blocked, which would mean that the entire print and TV media in the US would be shut down along with Congress, John Brennan, Robert Mueller, and James Comey. Gowdy does not know that the First Amendment guarantees free speech and leaves it up to the public to decide what is true and what is false.
You tell me. What kind of insouciant people are capable of electing representatives who do not respect the Bill of Rights? Is a country whose government does not respect its own Constitution a democracy? Is such a country an exceptional, indispensable country? Or is it a completely corrupt entity whose government no longer has the slightest allegience to the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution?
What is the quality of an electorate that sends those with a police state mentality to represent them in the government that has power over them? Are we witnessing the destruction of democracy by the electorate? Is the failure of the American people staring us in the face?
Are you amazed that it is the executives of Facebook, Twitter, and Google, and not the members of Congress who have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, who point out to US Representatives and Senators that their demands for censorship and spying are unconstitutional?
What is the liberal/progressive/left, which believes that good resides in government and evil in the private sector, to make of this?
Is the hatred of dissent so great that nothing else is important?
Here is a report on Wednesday’s hearings by the House and Senate Intelligence (sic) committees on “extremist” views: https://www.globalresearch.ca/lawmakers-demand-tech-companies-censor-journalists-and-conduct-mass-surveillance/5616331
Sunday, October 29, 2017
I guarantee that the stock markets will crash sometime between now and maybe a year from now. The market is run by rich people who borrow money to run up the entire market. They are confident that they will continue to make big money, because the FED keeps reporting that 95+% of all working age American have jobs. However, to get that number, the FED treats all those without jobs for longer than a month or so are treated as though dead. Whereas, the truth is that, by now there are between 24% (definitely), and likely closer to 50%, of all working-age Americans can no longer find a decent job. And even those who are counted as having jobs are likely to have menial ones, and so they can’t buy the rich people's products. Thus, when the fat cats finally realize that the game is over, much of their wealth will go down together with their rigged stock markets. And, boy, do they ever deserve it.
Will President Trump Take The Blame When the Stock Markets Crash?
markets continue to reach record high levels, but it’s only a matter of
time before they crash back to earth. When they do, there will be a lot
of finger pointing at those deemed to be responsible for the crash.
Given the current political climate, President Trump will undoubtedly
come in for criticism. But will that be a fair criticism?
Trump is certainly taking the credit for the hot stock markets, and his
supporters view this as market approval for his allegedly pro-growth
economic policies. Trump’s critics will undoubtedly seize on something
to criticize him when stock markets crash, no matter how flimsy their
case may be. All of this obscures the fact that Presidents just don’t
have that much of an effect on the economy, at least not in the short
one thing, Congress is responsible for passing the federal budget, one
of the biggest drains on the economy. Sure, the President can submit a
budget proposal, but ultimately it’s Congress that determines just how
many trillions of dollars are siphoned away from taxpayers and shuttled
into non-productive endeavors.
Presidents are most responsible for affecting the economy is in their
selection of Federal Reserve Board members, particularly when they pick a
chairman. The chairman ultimately determines the direction of monetary
policy, which has far more effect on the economy than anything else the
federal government does.
stock market bubble has been years in the making, a natural consequence
of the trillions of dollars that the Federal Reserve System has been
pumping into financial markets. It’s not a surprise either, at least to
those of us who adhere to Austrian economics and understand that the
Fed’s response to the last financial crisis would result in another
larger bubble.
Trump has a chance to change things for the better at the Fed if he
appoints a chairman who will upend the Fed’s traditionally loose conduct
of monetary policy, although that doesn’t appear likely. But no matter
who he picks now, the wheels for the next crisis were set in motion
years ago. It was the monetary policy of Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen
that will bring about the next financial crisis, so the blame should
fall squarely on the shoulders of Presidents Bush and Obama who
appointed them.
President Trump or his appointees do now will stop the next financial
crisis, they can only react to it. How they react should certainly be
subject to critique, but placing the blame on President Trump for
something that he inherited will be a classic case of playing politics –
attacking the President for something he didn’t do, while continuing to
obscure the Federal Reserve’s role in monetary malfeasance.
- Ron Paul

Blogger's Note: This was originally brought out by Goldco, a company that you may look up in order to use their system for getting rich when the stock markets crash ...or you can use the any or all of my "Royal" gold and silver stocks as follows: RGLD, OR, AEM, or WPM, all on the New York Exchange. N.B. The term "Royal" means a rich company that owns gold and silver but is not a miner. Rather then mining, they buy small amounts of gold or silver rather cheap, because the miners always need more money to dig deeper.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
If the U.S. should be forced by the neocon military/security complex to attack Russia with nuclear weapons, the certain result would be the destruction of the whole human race. This would mean that your grown children’s lives would be cut short and your grandchildren would never grow up. Think about that! You won’t hear anything like that from the so-called “main stream media” because they would lose their jobs if they don’t repeat your government’s lies. So, if you should want to know the real truth, you will have to get it from individuals like Paul Craig Roberts …who has a 6-year PhD in economics and has worked for Ronald Reagan and on Wall Street, but now lives on his government pension (and donations from people like me) in order to spread the truth. Can I count on you to spread this to some of your friends?
The Unraveling of American/Russian Relations — Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts
Dear Readers: I agree that the official Las Vegas story seems to be unraveling. A public mass shooting should be transparent, not opaque. I think we explored the story long enough to discover that without knowing the facts, we cannot arrive at an explanation with confidence.
It is time to move on to another unraveling—that of US/Russian relations. This unraveling is far more serious as it threatens life on earth. I have warned of the consequences of Washington threatening Russia’s security by breaking agreement after agreement, by placing missile bases on Russia’s borders, by orchestrating anti-Russian coups in former Soviet provinces, and by a continuing volley of false accusations against Russia. There is no act more reckless and irresponsible than to make one nuclear power fear nuclear attack from another.
Alert observers have become aware of the mounting danger. Canadian professor Michel Chossudovsky writes that Washington has taken nuclear war from a hypothetical scenario to a real danger that threatens the future of humanity. https://www.globalresearch.ca/towards-a-world-war-iii-scenario-breaking-the-big-lie/5348384
Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader who worked with President Ronald Reagan to end the Cold War and the threat of nuclear Armageddon, has appealed to President Trump and President Putin to hold a summit meeting and bring an end to the rising tensions. Gorbachev wrote in the Washington Post that “it is far from normal that the presidents of major nuclear powers meet merely on the margins of international gatherings.” This is especially the case as “relations between the two nations are in a severe crisis.” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48004.htm
Gorbachev’s warning could be an understatement. Last March, General Viktor Poznikhir, the deputy commander of the Russian military’s Operation Command expressed concern that Washington could be preparing a surprise nuclear attack on Russia. See https://dninews.com/article/moscow-us-missile-systems-europe-may-lead-sudden-nuclear-attack-russia and http://www.newsweek.com/russia-us-global-missile-defense-lead-nuclear-war-europe-591244 and https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-officials-u-global-missile-192829855.html
Had any such statement from the Russian high command been issued anytime during the 20th century Cold War era, the President of the United States would have immediately contacted the Soviet leader and given every assurance that no such plan or intentions toward Russia existed. As far as I can tell, the Trump White House let this ominous announcement pass unremarked. If this is the case, it must have provided confirmation to the Russians’ conclusion.
For some time I have pointed out that the entirety of the West, both the US and its vassal states, continue to ignore very clear Russian warnings. Gilbert Doctorow has made the same point. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/10/10/deaf-ear-dire-russian-warnings.html
Perhaps the most clear of all was Putin’s public statement that “Russia will never again fight a war on its own territory.” If Washington’s EU vassals did not hear this clear warning that they are courting their nuclear destruction—especially the Poles and Romanians who have mindlessly hosted US missile bases—they are as deaf as they are stupid.
One Russian official told the idiot British government to its face that if the British threat to first use nuclear weapons is directed at Russia, if such an attempt is made, Great Britain will disappear from the face of the earth.
There is no doubt that that would be the case.
So why do Washington’s impotent vassals talk tough to Russia, a government that only desires peace and has threatened Britain in no way. Nor has the Russian government threatened France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, or any of the former Eastern European vassals of the Soviet Union that exchanged their captivity to the Soviet Union for captivity to Washington. Russia has not even threatened Ukraine, which Russia could wipe out in a couple of minutes. Why are all of these countries, apparently led by mindless, gutless two-bit politicians, aligned with Washington’s false propaganda against Russia?
The answer is money. The vassals are paid to go along with the lies. As Alain of Lille said as long ago as the 12th century, “not God, not Caesar, but money is all.”
What are the forces driving Washington’s provocation of Russia? There are three, and they comprise a vast conspiracy against life on earth.
One is the Neoconservatives. The Neoconservatives were convinced by the Soviet Collapse that History has chosen not the proletariat but American “democratic capitalism” as the socio-politico-economic system for the world, and that this choice by History conveys on America the status of the “indispensable, exceptional” country, a status that places America above all other countries and above international law and, indeed, America’s own laws.
America is so exceptional that it can torture people in total violation of both US law and international law. The government in Washington can, on suspicion alone without presentation to a court of evidence and conviction, confine US citizens indefinitely, torturing them the entire time, and can assassinate them at will without due process of law. This is the definition of a total police state tyranny. Yet Washington represents America as a “great democracy,” whose endless wars against humanity are “bringing democracy to the world.”
America is so exceptional that it can bomb other countries indiscriminately without officially being at war with those countries.
America is so exceptional that the separation of powers prescribed in the American Constitution can be totally ignored by the executive branch as, the Neoconservatives claim, the President has “unique powers” not limited by the Constitution, which, of course, is just another lie.
Russia, China, and Iran are targets of the Neoconservatives, as were Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and provinces of Pakistan, because these countries have/had independent foreign policies and are/were not Washington’s vassals.
The Neoconservative doctrine states that it is the “principal goal” of US foreign policy “to prevent the rise of Russia or any other state” that can serve as a constraint on Washington’s unilateralism.
The New York Times under this headline on March 8, 1992, explains the Wolfowitz doctrine:
U.S. Strategy Plan Calls for Insuring No Rivals Develop
A One-Superpower World http://work.colum.edu/~amiller/wolfowitz1992.htm
Special to The New York Times
WASHINGTON, March 7 In a broad new policy statement that is in its final drafting phase, the Defense Department asserts that America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era will be to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union.
A 46-page document that has been circulating at the highest levels of the Pentagon for weeks, and which Defense Secretary Dick Cheney expects to release later this month, states that part of the American mission will be convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests.
The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.
Every state with an independent foreign policy is a constraint on Washington, especially states with nuclear capabilities such as Russia and China.
A second interest with incentive to provoke Russia is the US military/security complex. President Eisenhower, a five-star general, warned Americans in 1961 that the “military-industrial complex” was a threat to American democracy. Today the military/security complex is much more than a mere threat to American democracy. It has already taken over the US government and the Trump administration, which is run by generals, and it now threatens all life on earth.
The military/security complex has an annual budget of one thousand billion dollars. This sum is larger than the Gross Domestic Products of all but a handful of countries on earth. Such an immense budget conveying such power desperately needs a dangerous enemy for its justification. Russia has been assigned this role. Given the power of the military/security complex, the role assigned to Russia cannot be mitigated by Russian diplomacy. Moreover, the interests of the military/security complex and the Neoconservatives are in agreement.
The third powerful interest group leading to conflict with Russia is the Israel Lobby. In Washington the Israel Lobby is extremely powerful. If the Israel Lobby puts legislation or a resolution before Congress, it usually passes almost unanimously, as anyone who votes against it is likely to be eliminated in the next election.
The Israel Lobby is closely linked to the Neoconservatives, the principal figures of which are Zionist Jews tightly allied with Israel. Some are joint US/Israeli citizens. The Israeli influence in Washington is so strong that the Vice Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank is the former chairman of the Israeli Central Bank. Israel is so powerful in Washington that it even runs US economic policy.
The Zionists in Israel want to expand. Their doctrine is “from the Nile to the Euphrates.” That is the Zionist claim of the land that God gave to the Chosen People.
In pursuit of this goal, Israel twice sent the Israeli Army into southern Lebanon to occupy that part of the country in order to seize the Litani River, water resources that Israel desires.
However, twice the Hezbollah militia drove out the vaunted Israeli Army. Israel now fears to send the army again. Instead, Israel is using its power over the government in Washington to use the US military to put Syria and Iran in the same chaos as exists in Libya and Iraq. The reason is that Syria and Iran are the supporters of the Hezbollah militia. Deprived of support, Hezbollah can be defeated by Israel.
It is Israel, not the US government per se, that is driving the US to war with Iran. Israel, which almost always gets its way in Washington, is encountering difficulties. Washington’s EU vassals are opposed to renewing conflict with Iran. Europe is overwhelmed with problems, many of which stem from Washington’s wars, and doesn’t need the Iranian one again. Neither does the US military, defeated in Syria and unable to win in Afghanistan after 16 years against a few thousand lightly armed Taliban. Washington’s defeat in Afghanistan on top of the defeat in Vietnam has destroyed any fear of Washington’s conventional forces, which is why Russia and China expect the next war to be nuclear.
Moreover, if Russia will not tolerate Washington’s overthrow of Syria, Russia certainly will not tolerate Washington’s overthrow of Iran. And it is unlikely that China will either as, according to reports, China gets 20% of its oil from Iran. Indeed, the Russian and Chinese interest in Iran is so strong that it is inexplicable that the Israel Lobby thinks it is so strong that it can drive Washington into war with Iran. The hubris and arrogance of the Neoconservatives and the Israel Lobby are the greatest the world has seen since Hitler marched off into Russia.
If the dumbshits in Washington repeat this folly, the lights on Earth will be turned off.
Monday, October 09, 2017
How NOT to be a patriotic American, i.e., One who believes anything claimed as fact by the so-called "mainstream media" …particularly regarding current foreign affairs.
Published by
Stephen Lendman
How to Succeed in Western Media Without Really Trying
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Most important is loyalty to monied interests, war-profiteers, and the imperial state – serving as their press agents, abandoning fundamental journalistic principles, learning how to lie well, along with leaving honesty and integrity at home when heading for work.
Julian Assange offered his own recommended strategy for success. It’s simple, he said. Blame Russia for everything.
“You can do it” – without really trying.
“1) Pick random globally newsworthy event.
Russian press will also be reporting it by definition.
2) Write story: Russian state secretly behind globally newsworthy event as proved by their press reporting it.
3) Profit!”
Bashing Russia works, the bandwagon effect when everybody does it, following the same script.
Saying it makes it so. Repeating it ad nauseam works best. Lying is simpler than truth-telling – no evidence needed, no sources required.
Citing the usual unnamed ones works fine. Who’ll check? Lying pays well in America and other Western countries, truth-tellers shunted, contradicting the official narrative not tolerated.
Western major media are deplorable, truth-telling a lost art in their publications and broadcasts. The fourth estate, dominated by corporate giants, feature disinformation, fake news and advocacy instead of what legitimate journalism is supposed to be.
It’s shocking how low major media reporting has sunk. It’s biased, sensationalist, irresponsible rubbish, what Project Censored calls “junk food news.”
Major media are in cahoots with other powerful interests, government and private. Free and open societies are threatened when propagandists pose as journalists, letting fiction substitute for facts, stifling the free flow of content, shutting out dissent, working as paid liars, what famed journalist George Seldes called “prostitutes of the press.”
Imperial wars are called liberating ones, humanitarian intervention and responsibility to protect. Civil liberties are suppressed for our own good.
Beneficial social justice is considered heresy. The marketplace works best, we’re told, so let it. Patriotism means going along with what harms our welfare.
Independent journalism is the only legitimate kind, notably digital democracy, threatened by administration efforts to control Internet content.
Facebook, Twitter and other social media are willing accomplices. So are Google and other search engines, censoring and suppressing content, flagrantly violating the most vital of all constitutional rights – media and speech freedom.
How to Succeed in Western Media Without Really Trying
by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)
Most important is loyalty to monied interests, war-profiteers, and the imperial state – serving as their press agents, abandoning fundamental journalistic principles, learning how to lie well, along with leaving honesty and integrity at home when heading for work.
Julian Assange offered his own recommended strategy for success. It’s simple, he said. Blame Russia for everything.
“You can do it” – without really trying.
“1) Pick random globally newsworthy event.
Russian press will also be reporting it by definition.
2) Write story: Russian state secretly behind globally newsworthy event as proved by their press reporting it.
3) Profit!”
Bashing Russia works, the bandwagon effect when everybody does it, following the same script.
Saying it makes it so. Repeating it ad nauseam works best. Lying is simpler than truth-telling – no evidence needed, no sources required.
Citing the usual unnamed ones works fine. Who’ll check? Lying pays well in America and other Western countries, truth-tellers shunted, contradicting the official narrative not tolerated.
Western major media are deplorable, truth-telling a lost art in their publications and broadcasts. The fourth estate, dominated by corporate giants, feature disinformation, fake news and advocacy instead of what legitimate journalism is supposed to be.
It’s shocking how low major media reporting has sunk. It’s biased, sensationalist, irresponsible rubbish, what Project Censored calls “junk food news.”
Major media are in cahoots with other powerful interests, government and private. Free and open societies are threatened when propagandists pose as journalists, letting fiction substitute for facts, stifling the free flow of content, shutting out dissent, working as paid liars, what famed journalist George Seldes called “prostitutes of the press.”
Imperial wars are called liberating ones, humanitarian intervention and responsibility to protect. Civil liberties are suppressed for our own good.
Beneficial social justice is considered heresy. The marketplace works best, we’re told, so let it. Patriotism means going along with what harms our welfare.
Independent journalism is the only legitimate kind, notably digital democracy, threatened by administration efforts to control Internet content.
Facebook, Twitter and other social media are willing accomplices. So are Google and other search engines, censoring and suppressing content, flagrantly violating the most vital of all constitutional rights – media and speech freedom.
During pre-television days, noted journalist and author AJ Liebling once said “(p)eople everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.”
HL Mencken called US journalism “predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
He explained why major media sanitize news, filtering out unwanted content, saying:
“The most dangerous (person) to any government is (anyone) able to think things out for himself (or herself), without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.”
“Almost inevitably (they come) to the conclusion that the government…is dishonest, insane, and intolerable…”
The state of Western media today is too deplorable to fix. Independent sources provide the only reliable news, information and analysis, no others.
VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Saturday, September 30, 2017
How to be a patriotic American. Think you know how? I bet you don't, but you should learn how ...before it's too late.
Patriots and Protesters Should Take a Knee for the Constitution
By John W. Whitehead
“Seems like in the past 15 years or so the idea of patriotism has changed some. More polarized, more tied to political or ideological views. I’ve never seen patriotism or the flag connected to either; I see the flag more as the symbol of a nation that allows the freedom to express those ideas. That alone deserves my respect.”— Macy Moore, U.S. MarineSeptember 29, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - By all means, let’s talk about patriotism and President Trump’s call for “respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem.”
At a time when the American flag adorns everything from men’s boxers and women’s bikinis to beer koozies, bandannas and advertising billboards (with little outcry from the American public), and the National Anthem is sung by Pepper the Parrot during the Puppy Bowl, this conveniently timed outrage over disrespect for the country’s patriotic symbols rings somewhat hollow, detracts from more serious conversations that should be taking place about critical policy matters of state, and further divides the nation and ensures that “we the people” will not present a unified front to oppose the police state.
First off, let’s tackle this issue of respect or lack thereof for patriotic symbols.
As the U.S. Supreme Court has made clear, Americans have a right to abstain from patriotic demonstrations (West Virginia State Board of Ed. v. Barnette, 1943) and/or actively protest that demonstration, for example, by raising one’s fist during the Pledge of Allegiance (Holloman ex rel. Holloman v. Harland, 2004). These First Amendment protections also extend to military uniforms (worn to criticize the military) and military funeral protests (Snyder v. Phelps, 2011).
Likewise, Americans have a First Amendment right to display, alter or destroy the U.S. flag as acts of symbolic protest speech.
In fact, in Street v. New York (1969), the Supreme Court held that the government may not punish a person for uttering words critical of the flag, writing that “the constitutionally guaranteed ‘freedom to be intellectually . . . diverse or even contrary,’ and the ‘right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order,’ encompass the freedom to express publicly one’s opinions about our flag, including those opinions which are defiant or contemptuous.”
The case arose after Sidney Street, hearing about the attempted murder of civil rights leader James Meredith in Mississippi, burned a 48-star American flag on a New York City street corner to protest what he saw as the government’s failure to protect Meredith. Upon being questioned about the flag, Street responded, “Yes; that is my flag; I burned it. If they let that happen to Meredith, we don’t need an American flag.”
In Spence v. Washington (1974), the Court ruled that the right to display the American flag with any mark or design upon it is a protected act of expression. The case involved a college student who had placed a peace symbol on a three by five foot American flag using removable black tape and displayed it upside down from his apartment window.
Finally, in Texas v. Johnson (1989), the Court held that flag burning was protected speech under the First Amendment. The case arose from a demonstration near the site of the Republican National Convention in Dallas during which protesters marched through the streets, chanted political slogans, staged “die-ins” in front of several corporate offices to dramatize the consequences of nuclear war, and burned the flag as a means of political protest.
In other words, if freedom means anything, it means that those exercising their right to protest are showing the greatest respect for the principles on which this nation was founded: the right to free speech and the right to dissent. Clearly, the First Amendment to the Constitution assures Americans of the right to speak freely, assemble freely and protest (petition the government for a redress of grievances).
Whether those First Amendment activities take place in a courtroom or a classroom, on a football field or in front of the U.S. Supreme Court is not the issue: what matters is that Americans have a right—according to the spirit, if not always the letter, of the law—to voice their concerns without being penalized for it.
Frankly, the First Amendment does more than give us a right to criticize our country: it makes it a civic duty.
Second, let’s not confuse patriotism (love for or devotion to one’s country) with blind obedience to the government’s dictates. That is the first step towards creating an authoritarian regime.
One can be patriotic and love one’s country while at the same time disagreeing with the government or protesting government misconduct. As journalist Barbara Ehrenreich recognizes, “Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.”
Indeed, I would venture to say that if you’re not speaking out or taking a stand against government wrongdoing—if you’re marching in lockstep with anything the government and its agents dole out—and if you’re prioritizing partisan politics over the principles enshrined in the Constitution, then you’re not a true patriot.
Real patriots care enough to take a stand, speak out, protest and challenge the government whenever it steps out of line.
There is nothing patriotic about the lengths to which Americans have allowed the government to go in its efforts to dismantle our constitutional republic and shift the country into a police state.
It’s not anti-American to be anti-war or anti-police misconduct or anti-racial discrimination, but it is anti-American to be anti-freedom.
I have come to realize that what many refer to as polarization—certainly, what the government refers to as “extremism”—is actually Americans challenging the status quo, especially the so-called government elite. Martin Luther King Jr. put it best when, after being accused of extremism, responded, “The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremist will you be?”
How many times over the years have I been criticized for being anti-American and unpatriotic, reprimanded for being too negative in my views of the government, admonished to have “faith” in our leaders, and ordered to refrain from criticizing our president because Americans still live in the best country in the world?
Is this really what patriotism or loving your country is all about? If so, then the great freedom fighters of history would be considered unpatriotic.
Too many Americans seem to think that faith in the government and a positive attitude are enough to get you through the day… that you’re not a good citizen if you criticize the government… and that being a good citizen means doing one thing: voting.
The problem we face today, however, is that America requires more than voters inclined to pay lip service to a false sense of patriotism. It requires doers—a well-informed and very active group of doers—if we are to have any chance of holding the government accountable and maintaining our freedoms.
After all, it was not idle rhetoric that prompted the Framers of the Constitution to begin with the words “We the people.” In the words of Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, “there is an implicit assumption [throughout the Constitution and Bill of Rights] that we, the people, will preserve our democratic rights by acting responsibly in our enjoyment of them.”
This ultimate responsibility for maintaining our freedoms rests with the people.
Third, we need to stop acting as if showing “respect” for the country, flag and national anthem is more important than the freedoms they represent.
Listen: I served in the Army. I lived through the Civil Rights era. I came of age during the Sixties, when activists took to the streets to protest war and economic and racial injustice. As a constitutional lawyer, I defend people daily whose civil liberties are being violated, including high school students prohibited from wearing American flag t-shirts to school, allegedly out of a fear that it might be disruptive.
I understand the price that must be paid for freedom. None of the people I served with or marched with or represented put our lives or our liberties on the line for a piece of star-spangled cloth or a few bars of music: we took our stands and made our sacrifices because we believed we were fighting to maintain our freedoms and bring about justice for all Americans.
As such, responsible citizenship means being outraged at the loss of others’ freedoms, even when our own are not directly threatened.
The Framers of the Constitution knew very well that whenever and wherever democratic governments had failed, it was because the people had abdicated their responsibility as guardians of freedom. They also knew that whenever in history the people denied this responsibility, an authoritarian regime arose which eventually denied the people the right to govern themselves.
All governments fall into two classifications: those with a democratic form and those that are authoritarian, ruled by an individual or some oligarchic elite.
Acting responsibly, however, means that there are certain responsibilities and duties without which our rights would become meaningless. Duties of citizenship extend beyond the act of voting, which is only the first step in acting responsibly. Citizens must be willing to stand and fight to protect their freedoms. And if need be, it will entail criticizing the government.
This is true patriotism in action.
What this means is that we can still be patriotic and love our country while disagreeing with the government or going to court to fight for freedom. Responsible citizenship means being outraged at the loss of others’ freedoms, even when our own are not directly threatened. It also means remembering that the prime function of any free government is to protect the weak against the strong.
Love of country will sometimes entail carrying a picket sign or going to jail or taking a knee, if necessary, to preserve liberty and challenge injustice. And it will mean speaking up for those with whom you might disagree.
Tolerance for dissent, we must remember, is a vital characteristic of the citizens of a democratic society. As Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free thought--not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.
Loving your country does not mean being satisfied with the status quo or the way government is being administered. Government invariably, possibly inevitably, oversteps its authority. As human beings are not perfect, governments, because they are constructs of human beings, will necessarily be imperfect as well.
Love of country, it must be emphasized, is always strengthened by both a knowledge of history and of the Constitution and, when need be, acting on that knowledge. “If we have no appreciation of the past,” Justice Warren recognized, “we can have little understanding of the present or vision for the future.”
The problems facing our generation are numerous and are becoming incredibly complex.
Technology, which has developed at a rapid pace, offers those in power more invasive and awesome possibilities than ever before. Never in American history has there been a more pressing need to maintain the barriers in the Constitution erected by our Founders to check governmental power and abuse.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we’re at a very crucial crossroads in American history. We have to be well-informed, not only about current events but well-versed in the basics of our rights and duties as citizens. If not, in perceived times of crisis, we may very well find ourselves in the clutches of a governmental system that is alien to everything for which America stands. And make no mistake about it, the mass of citizens will continue to be misinformed, and as astute political leaders have recognized in the past, they can be easily led.
Therein is the menace to our freedoms.
Stop falling for the distractions. Stop allowing yourself to be fooled by propaganda and partisan politics. Stop acting as if the only thing worth getting outraged about is whether a bunch of football players stand or kneel for the National Anthem.
Stop being armchair patriots and start acting like foot soldiers for the Constitution.
Remember, it’s all a game, a ruse, a dance intended to keep you in line and marching to the government’s tune instead of freedom’s call. In this age of spin doctors and manipulation, those who question the motives of government provide a necessary counterpoint to those who would blindly follow where politicians choose to lead.
Past regimes understood well how to manipulate and maneuver. As Hermann Goering, one of Hitler’s top military leaders, remarked during the Nuremberg trials:
It is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at www.amazon.com. Whitehead can be contacted at johnw@rutherford.org.
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