One 77-year-old’s search for the truth: 9/11, election fraud, illegal wars, Wall Street criminality, a stolen nuke, the neocon wars, control of the U.S. government by global corporations, the unjustified assault on Social Security, media complicity, and the "Great Recession" about to become the second Great Depression. "The most important truths are hidden from us by the powerful few who strive to steal the American dream by keeping We the People in the dark."

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Today, I (the blogger) amplify Paul Craig Roberts’ piece below. In his second paragraph he provides a link which he says “The person who prepared this …is a bit crude in his language, but his point is nevertheless sound.” However, when I went to this link I spent maybe 15 or 20 minutes watching the video of that person, whose language I thought was OK but who might well have edited out a lot of stuff without losing the high points. I was about to leave this link when I realized that the work of a second photographer of the alleged truck massacre was to follow. It was at a different location and did seem strange. Then there were additioal amateur photographers displaying their work. I think it was the third one that was truly revealing. This woman found herself exactly alongside of the parked truck that was supposed to run over many people a few moments later. This place was not very far from the small town to the west where the truck was supposed to have come from. Yet in this moment it was surrounded by several individuals dressed as police who instead of approaching the truck were looking westward toward where truck had come from. The woman exhibited on her video several times the presence of fireworks in that direction, but she had no sound. However, she overlaid the official gun fire from the TV news, which indeed sounds like fireworks. Later on she checked the differing times of fireworks in the general area and found that the town from which the truck had come was to begin it’s fireworks at that very moment. Of course the official story was that the police told everyone ahead of the (still-parked) truck to run for their lives because there were shots being fired, thus leaving the fireworks/gun-shots behind them, as seen in the official videos. So it is no wonder that “the powers that be” are insisting that all evidence be destroyed. Moreover, if hundreds of family members and friends were actually killed, by now they would be demonstrating in the streets demanding justice. Is that happening? No! I can’t believe that so many people prefer to believe that they are attacked by foregn “terrorists”, when the terrorists are actually our own governments. I leave you with this thought: “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” -- Thomas Jefferson
France’s Minister of the Interior Is Withholding All Security Camera Evidence of the Nice Truck Massacre and Demands that the Evidence be Destroyed
July 26, 2016 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
France’s Minister of the Interior Is Withholding All Security Camera Evidence of the Nice Truck Massacre and Demands that the Evidence be Destroyed
Obviously, the real evidence does not support the concocted evidence and the official story.
The person who prepared this — — is a bit crude in his language, but his point is nevertheless sound.
We have not been shown any security camera evidence of the Nice event. Instead, we have seen cell phone video taken by Richard Gutjahr who happens to be married to a former Israeli intelligence agent who is currently an Israeli politician. Amazingly, Gutjahr also happened to be on the scene at the Munich shooting and again furnished the cell phone video and testimony for that event. As former US Representative Cynthia McKinney asked, how did it happen that the same person is performing the same role for both the Nice and Munich events?
Why does the official story have to rely on Gutjahr’s cell phone video when, at least in Nice, there is massive security camera video evidence?
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
The carefree times I grew up with in the United States are now lost to young Americans growing up in the U.S. of today. Here John W. Whitehead explains the decent of today's young people into a world where "…the powers-that-be want us to feel powerless to protect ourselves and reliant on and grateful for the dubious protection provided by the American police state." To this he adds: "The tree of liberty is dying."
There Will Be No Second American Revolution: The Futility of an Armed Revolt
By John W. Whitehead
July 18, 2016
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James MadisonAmerica is a ticking time bomb.
All that remains to be seen is who—or what—will set fire to the fuse.
We are poised at what seems to be the pinnacle of a manufactured breakdown, with police shooting unarmed citizens, snipers shooting police, global and domestic violence rising, and a political showdown between two presidential candidates equally matched in unpopularity.
The preparations for the Republican and Democratic national conventions taking place in Cleveland and Philadelphia—augmented by a $50 million federal security grant for each city—provide a foretaste of how the government plans to deal with any individual or group that steps out of line: they will be censored, silenced, spied on, caged, intimidated, interrogated, investigated, recorded, tracked, labeled, held at gunpoint, detained, restrained, arrested, tried and found guilty.
For instance, anticipating civil unrest and mass demonstrations in connection with the Republican Party convention, Cleveland officials set up makeshift prisons, extra courtrooms to handle protesters, and shut down a local university in order to house 1,700 riot police and their weapons. The city’s courts are preparing to process up to 1,000 people a day. Additionally, the FBI has also been conducting “interviews” with activists in advance of the conventions to discourage them from engaging in protests.
Make no mistake, the government is ready for a civil uprising.
Indeed, the government has been preparing for this moment for years.
A 2008 Army War College report revealed that “widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.” The 44-page report goes on to warn that potential causes for such civil unrest could include another terrorist attack, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”
Subsequent reports by the Department of Homeland Security to identify, monitor and label right-wing and left-wing activists and military veterans as extremists (a.k.a. terrorists) have manifested into full-fledged pre-crime surveillance programs. Almost a decade later, after locking down the nation and spending billions to fight terrorism, the DHS has concluded that the greater threat is not ISIS but domestic right-wing extremism.
Meanwhile, the government has been amassing an arsenal of military weapons for use domestically and equipping and training their “troops” for war. Even government agencies with largely administrative functions such as the Food and Drug Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Smithsonian have been acquiring body armor, riot helmets and shields, cannon launchers and police firearms and ammunition. In fact, there are now at least 120,000 armed federal agents carrying such weapons who possess the power to arrest.
Rounding out this profit-driven campaign to turn American citizens into enemy combatants (and America into a battlefield) is a technology sector that is colluding with the government to create a Big Brother that is all-knowing, all-seeing and inescapable. It’s not just the drones, fusion centers, license plate readers, stingray devices and the NSA that you have to worry about. You’re also being tracked by the black boxes in your cars, your cell phone, smart devices in your home, grocery loyalty cards, social media accounts, credit cards, streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, and e-book reader accounts.
All of this has taken place right under our noses, funded with our taxpayer dollars and carried out in broad daylight without so much as a general outcry from the citizenry.
It’s astounding how convenient we’ve made it for the government to lock down the nation.
We’ve even allowed ourselves to be acclimated to the occasional lockdown of government buildings, Jade Helm military drills in small towns so that special operations forces can get “realistic military training” in “hostile” territory, and Live Active Shooter Drill training exercises, carried out at schools, in shopping malls, and on public transit, which can and do fool law enforcement officials, students, teachers and bystanders into thinking it’s a real crisis.
The events of recent years—the invasive surveillance, the extremism reports, the civil unrest, the protests, the shootings, the bombings, the military exercises and active shooter drills, the color-coded alerts and threat assessments, the fusion centers, the transformation of local police into extensions of the military, the distribution of military equipment and weapons to local police forces, the government databases containing the names of dissidents and potential troublemakers—have all conjoined to create an environment in which “we the people” are more distrustful and fearful of each other and more reliant on the government to keep us safe.
Of course, that’s the point.
The powers-that-be want us to feel vulnerable.
They want us to fear each other and trust the government’s hired gunmen to keep us safe from terrorists, extremists, jihadists, psychopaths, etc.
Most of all, the powers-that-be want us to feel powerless to protect ourselves and reliant on and grateful for the dubious protection provided by the American police state.
Their strategy is working.
The tree of liberty is dying.
There will be no second American Revolution.
There is no place in our nation for the kind of armed revolution our forefathers mounted against a tyrannical Great Britain. Such an act would be futile and tragic. We are no longer dealing with a distant, imperial king but with a tyrant of our own making: a militarized, technologized, heavily-financed bureaucratic machine that operates beyond the reach of the law.
The message being sent to the citizenry is clear: there will be no revolution, armed or otherwise.
Anyone who believes that they can wage—and win—an armed revolt against the American police state has not been paying attention. Those who wage violence against the government and their fellow citizens are playing right into the government’s hands. Violence cannot and will not be the answer to what ails America.
Whether instigated by the government or the citizenry, violence will only lead to more violence. It does not matter how much firepower you have. The government has more firepower.
It does not matter how long you think you can hold out by relying on survivalist skills, guerilla tactics and sheer grit. The government has the resources to outwait, out-starve, outman, outgun and generally overpower you.
This government of wolves will not be overtaken by force.
Unfortunately, we waited too long to wake up to the government’s schemes.
We did not anticipate that “we the people” would become the enemy. For years, the government has been warning against the dangers of domestic terrorism, erecting surveillance systems to monitor its own citizens, creating classification systems to label any viewpoints that challenge the status quo as extremist, and training law enforcement agencies to equate anyone possessing anti-government views as a domestic terrorist.
What the government failed to explain was that the domestic terrorists would be of the government’s own making, whether intentional or not.
By waging endless wars abroad, by bringing the instruments of war home, by transforming police into extensions of the military, by turning a free society into a suspect society, by treating American citizens like enemy combatants, by discouraging and criminalizing a free exchange of ideas, by making violence its calling card through SWAT team raids and militarized police, by fomenting division and strife among the citizenry, by acclimating the citizenry to the sights and sounds of war, and by generally making peaceful revolution all but impossible, the government has engineered an environment in which domestic violence has become inevitable.
What we are now experiencing is a civil war, devised and instigated in part by the U.S. government.
The outcome for this particular conflict is already foregone: the police state wins.
The objective: compliance and control.
The strategy: destabilize the economy through endless wars, escalate racial tensions, polarize the populace, heighten tensions through a show of force, intensify the use of violence, and then, when all hell breaks loose, clamp down on the nation for the good of the people and the security of the nation.
So where does that leave us?
Despite the fact that communities across the country are, for all intents and purposes, being held hostage by a government that is armed to the teeth and more than willing to use force in order to “maintain order,” most Americans seem relatively unconcerned. Worse, we have become so fragmented as a nation, so hostile to those with whom we might disagree, so distrustful of those who are different from us, that we are easily divided and conquered.
We have been desensitized to violence, acclimated to a military presence in our communities and persuaded that there is nothing we can do to alter the seemingly hopeless trajectory of the nation. In this way, the floundering economy, the blowback arising from military occupations abroad, police shootings, the nation’s deteriorating infrastructure and all of the other mounting concerns have become non-issues to a populace that is easily entertained, distracted, manipulated and controlled.
The sight of police clad in body armor and gas masks, wielding semiautomatic rifles and escorting an armored vehicle through a crowded street, a scene likened to “a military patrol through a hostile city,” no longer causes alarm among the general populace.
We are fast becoming an anemic, weak, pathetically diluted offspring of our revolutionary forebears incapable of mounting a national uprising against a tyrannical regime.
If there is to be any hope of reclaiming our government and restoring our freedoms, it will require a different kind of coup: nonviolent, strategic and grassroots, starting locally and trickling upwards. Such revolutions are slow and painstaking. They are political, in part, but not through any established parties or politicians.
Most of all, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, for any chance of success, such a revolution will require more than a change of politics: it will require a change of heart among the American people, a reawakening of the American spirit, and a citizenry that cares more about their freedoms than their fantasy games.
WC: 1677
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
This is my latest and most important re-post of a Paul-Craig-Roberts treatise on how the American people are being bamboozled by their government with the help of our “mainstream media” who repeat all government lies as if the God’s truth (thus dubbed “presstitutes” by PCR). In his second paragraph he states accurately that : “Since the Clinton regime NATO has been an alliance for waging offensive war, a war crime under the Nuremberg rules established by the United States. Under the NATO banner a number of countries have been bombed, invaded, and had their governments overthrown by Washington acting under the cover of NATO.” Most of the rest of this article proves factually that the frequently used presstitute term “Russian aggression” actually covers up very real US and NATO aggression. And the worst part is that the US and its European vassals are inviting a nuclear war with Russia -- which if it ever happens would kill all us all because Russia has superior nuclear missiles that can travel faster than inferior US anti-ballistic missiles. Although a full-force of nuclear exchange could destroy the whole human race. Fortunately, Vladimir Putin is not a “monster”; he is a peace maker, but if attacked he surely would counterattack. But don’t despair. If enough Americans read PCR’s work, maybe a movement could arise countering the Washington neocons. And failing that, it is certain that the western world will face economic collapse in the near future, very likely disintegrating NATO without a shot fired. Let us hope...
Paul Craig Roberts — Vladimir Putin Is The Only Leader The West Has
June 11, 2016 | Original Here | If you wish to receive his newsletter via email go to Original and sign up at bottom.
Vladimir Putin Is The Only Leader The West Has
Paul Craig Roberts
A Reuters news report under the names of presstitutes Robin Emmott and Sabine Siebold shows how devoid the West is of honest, intelligent and responsible journalists and government officials.
First we will examine the dishonesty or incompetence of the reporters and then that of Western government officials.
Emmott and Siebold describe NATO as a “Western defense alliance.” Since the Clinton regime NATO has been an alliance for waging offensive war, a war crime under the Nuremberg rules established by the United States. Under the NATO banner a number of countries have been bombed, invaded, and had their governments overthrown by Washington acting under the cover of NATO.
These destroyed countries posed no threat whatsoever to the countries of the NATO alliance and undertook no aggressive actions against NATO members. How is it possible that Reuters’ reporters and editors are not aware of this? Why do they call an instrument of Washington’s aggression a “defense alliance”?
Emmott and Siebold report that “Russian aggression” is the reason NATO is deploying 3,000 to 4,000 troops in the Baltic states and Poland. In other words, something that does not exist–Russian aggression toward the Baltics and Poland–is assumed to be a fact that must be countered with military deployments.
The reporters do not question whether this insignificant number of NATO troops constitutes a defense or a provocation. The number of troops would have to be 100 times greater before the force even begins to approach a defensive force. What then is the purpose of the 3,000 or 4,000 NATO troops?
Every informed person knows that there is no need of a defense force against Russia in the Baltics and Poland. Aside from this fact, only an absolute idiot could think that three or four thousand troops constitutes a defense against the Russian Army. In June 1941 Operation Barbarossa hit Russia with an invasion of four million troops, the majority German component of which were probably the most highly trained and disciplined troops in military history, excepting only the Spartans. By the time that the Americans and British got around to the Normandy invasion, the Russian Army had chewed up the Wehrmacht. There were only a few divisions at 40% strength to resist the Normandy invasion. By the time the Russian Army got to Berlin, the German resistance consisted of armed children.
The Reuters reporters raise no question about President Obama’s statement that 1,000 of this insignificant force will be Americans in order “to enhance our forward presence in central and eastern Europe.” Why does the United States need a “forward presence” in central and eastern Europe? What does a US “forward presence” in central and eastern Europe represent except an insane recklessness? One thousand US troops are good for nothing except a provocation.
Emmott and Siebold report with a straight face without laughter or question unverifiable accusations of Russian aggression by White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski, President Obama, and head of NATO’s military committee, Czech General Petr Pavel.
Gen. Pavel “said Russia was attempting to restore its status as a world power, an effort that included using its military.”
Obama said it is necessary to “keep sanctions on Moscow in place until it fully complies with the ceasefire agreement in Ukraine.”
Waszczykowski said: “We have to reject any type of wishful thinking with regard to pragmatic cooperation with Russia as long as Russia keeps on invading its neighbors.”
Rhodes threatened Russia with a NATO response to Russia’s “continued aggression.”
These statements are propagandistic. If those who made the statements actually believe them, they are too imbecilic to be trusted with public offices.
Is it possible that the Czech general does not know that Russia has used its military only to repel a Washington-inspired Georgian invasion of South Ossetia and against ISIS in Syria, which the US, UK, and France also claim to be doing? After repelling the Georgian invasion, Russia withdrew its forces. After dealing ISIS a setback in Syria, Russia withdrew and was forced to return by Washington’s resupply of ISIS.
Can the Polish Foreign Minister identify the countries that “Russia keeps on invading”?
Does the President of the United States really not know that Russia is not a party to the ceasefire agreement in Ukraine? This is an agreement between the breakaway republics and the government in Kiev. Washington has done everything possible to discourage Kiev from keeping the agreement Kiev signed.
Can National Security Adviser Rhodes tell us where “continued aggression by Russia” is occurring? What countries are being invaded and overrun?
How can there be so much Russian aggression and no evidence of it?
Recently, President Putin dressed down to their faces the Western media whores who are fanning the flames of World War III by repeating without question Washington’s propagandistic lies. These lies are reckless. They endanger all life on planet Earth.
During my lifetime, American presidents worked to reduce tensions between the two major nuclear powers. JFK worked with Khrushchev to defuse the dangerous situation arising from the placement of US missiles in Turkey and, in response, the placement of Russian missiles in Cuba.
President Nixon brought forth SALT I, the strategic arms limitation treaty, and the ABM Treaty.
President Carter crafted SALT II.
President Reagan negotiated with Gorbachev the end of the Cold War, the most promising achievement of the 20th century.
The Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes have done everything possible to raise the tensions between nuclear powers to heights beyond those of the most dangerous days of the Cold War.
The evil Clinton regime broke the word of the government of the United States, thereby destroying the honor of the US government, by taking NATO to Russia’s borders.
The evil George W. Bush regime pulled the US out of the ABM Treaty and rewrote US war doctrine in order to elevate nuclear weapons from a retaliatory weapon to a first strike weapon. This insane act put the Russians on notice.
The evil Obama regime intends to place nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders in Poland and Romania and engineered a coup in Ukraine with the intent of depriving Russia of its Black Sea naval base in Crimea, Russia’s only warm water port.
Faced with a Russophobic Washington-installed government in Ukraine, the Russian population in Crimea, a Russian province since the 1700s, voted practically unanimously to rejoin Russia, where Crimea had resided until Khrushchev reassigned the Russian province to Ukraine in the mid 20th century. The Russian government’s acceptance of the wishes of its own people were propagandistically misrepresented by Washington and the presstitutes as “Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea.” This lie is where the myth of “Russian invasion” came from. Russian military forces were already present in Crimea, because when Russia granted independence to Ukraine, Russia retained a long-term lease on the Russian naval base in Crimea. As all international observers testified, the vote was independent of the Russian military presence.
The White House Fool said that the vote in Crimea was meaningless because all of Ukraine did not get to vote. The Fool was too ignorant to know that by this laughable charge he discredited the American Revolution because the British people didn’t get to vote. For the precise same reason that The Fool wants Crimea returned to Kiev, the US must be returned to Britain. I doubt that the British would have us. Who wants a war criminal nation drowning in its own hubris?
The world is now faced with the prospect that insouciant Americans will elect a crazed and incompetent criminal or semi-criminal as their president, a person who has declared the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” The stupid bitch’s statement is a declaration of nuclear war, and this dangerous, reckless, incompetent, careless person has been selected by the Democratic Party as the next POTUS !!!
The ignorance and stupidity of the American people will destroy the world.
Little wonder that Vladimir Putin, the only responsible world leader other than the president of China, is desperate that the Western media understand that their irresponsible negligence to the truth is helping Washington drive the world to nuclear war.
Putin does not want war. He is doing everything in his power to avoid it. But Putin is not going to surrender Russia to Washington. The trip-point of World War III will be the installation of Washington’s missiles in Poland and Romania. As Putin recently made clear to the imbecilic Western journalists, these missiles can easily and secretly be changed from anti-ballistic missiles to nuclear attack missiles that can strike their Russian targets within 5 or fewer minutes of launch, thus depriving Russia of its retaliatory deterrent. Once these missiles are in place, Washington can issue orders to Russia.
Whatever the evil men and women in Washington who are gambling with the life of the planet think, Russia is not going to accept these missiles.
Where does world leadership reside? In Washington, the war criminal capital of the world that is driving the world to nuclear war, or in Russia whose leadership accepts countless affronts and provocations in an effort to avoid war?
Friday, July 08, 2016
The article below is dated today, Friday, July 8, 2016. You Americans who get your news from the lying “mainstream media” are missing the most important things you urgently need to understand, most importantly nuclear war that could kill us all. Lie #1: Russia attacked Ukraine. Wrong! She did not. Fact #1: The legitimate president of Ukraine was overthrown by a mob organized by Victoria Nuland (who may become Hillary’s vice president). Lie #2: Russia did NOT “seize” the Crimea. Rather, over 90% of its inhabitants agreed to RE-JOIN Russia after learning of Nuland’s neoNazi stormtroopers burning to death dozens of Russian-speakers who had been peacefully demonstrating in the town of Odessa …not far from Crimea. [N.B. Many Russian's ancestors lived in Crimea from 1783 to 1954, when it was transferred to Ukraine by the Soviet government.] For a quick rehash ca. Feb 2015, go here:
July 8, 2016 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
As I have previously written, the government in Washington is the
concentration of the entire evil of the universe. No greater danger to
life has ever existed than the government of the United States.
Are You Planning Your Retirement? Forget About It. You Won’t Survive To Experience It.
July 8, 2016 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Are You Planning Your Retirement? Forget About It. You Won’t Survive To Experience It.
Paul Craig Roberts
The Israeli agents who comprise the Neoconservatives, a collection of war criminals that control US foreign policy, have already handed you your death certificate. The neoconservatives have far more power than they have intelligence or humanity.
At the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Conference, President Putin excoriated Western Journalists for endlessly repeating Washington’s lies that are driving the world to nuclear war. He asked Washington’s bought-and-paid-for-whores, the scum who comprise the Western news media: “How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction toward nuclear war?”
Yes, indeed, how is it possible for the Western media to be totally blind? The answer to this question is that Americans live in the system of lies that comprise The Matrix, and media are paid to support the system of lies. The determining questions are: Can Americans escape their captivity in time to save life on earth? Do Americans have what it takes, or are Americans already a proven failed people who cower in ignorance under the threat of implausible “foreign threats”?
How much confidence can we place on the intelligence and judgment of the American people? That remains to be seen. Life on Earth depends on the American people’s ability to perceive their government as the greatest threat to their existence.
To make the crisis clear for my readers and for all peoples, Washington is surrounding Russia with nuclear missile sites that can be silently converted from ABMs to first strike nuclear missiles that can reach Russian targets in a mere few minutes. Washington attempted to disguise this first strike capability with the explanation that the missiles were there to protect against an Iranian ICBM attack on Europe. This explanation was given by the US government despite the fact that everyone knows that Iran has neither ICBMs nor nuclear weapons.
As Putin asked the Western presstitutes, we know and you don’t?
It is dangerous for any writer to assume that intelligence any longer exists among Western peoples. But assuming that somewhere in the West, under a rock perhaps or on Tatooine with Obi-Wan Kanobi, a bit of intelligence and a speck of humanity still exists, the important question is: Do you believe the Russians will sit there awaiting a nuclear strike, or will they pre-empt it with a strike of their own?
The fact that the entirely of the US government lacks the intelligence to have asked this question tells us why we are doomed.
As I have previously written, the government in Washington is the
concentration of the entire evil of the universe. No greater danger to
life has ever existed than the government of the United States.
After squandering many of Russia’s opportunities in hopes of
diplomacy, Vladimir Putin now sees the West for what it is: An immoral,
power-crazed entity that will destroy the planet before it gives up its
goal of hegemony over the entirety of the Earth. Why should the
“indispensable, exceptional people” settle for anything less than
hegemony over the world?
The crazed American government drowning in its own hubris has set us
on a course to nuclear war. Can America produce a leader who can
reverse course?
Dear reader, I am 77 years old and still in decent health, so if I were to be on my death bed tomorrow I would still be able to reflect on having had a full and rewarding life. However, the situation that Paul Craig Roberts and I are concerned with could cut short the lives of our children and grandchildren. The very real possibility of this breaks my heart. PCR spelled out in the preceding post the very real danger facing us and our loved ones …all due to our government supporting the plans of a horde of insane neocons planning to dominate the earth or kill us all in nuclear holocaust. In case you don’t believe us, take a look at today’s REUTERS’ account which I re-post here.
World | Fri Jul 8, 2016 7:22am EDT Related: World, Russia
Kremlin says NATO talk of Russian threat absurd, short-sighted
Kremlin said on Friday it regarded NATO's suggestion that Russia posed a
threat as absurd, saying it hoped that common sense would prevail at
the military alliance's summit in Warsaw.
Kremlin spoke out after U.S. President Barack Obama urged NATO leaders
to stand firm against a resurgent Russia over its 2014 seizure of
Ukraine's Crimea.
summit is expected to formally agree to deploy four battalions in the
Baltic states and eastern Poland, a move the alliance says is meant to
deter possible Russian aggression.
is absurd to talk about any threat coming from Russia at a time when
dozens of people are dying in the center of Europe and when hundreds of
people are dying in the Middle East daily," Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin
spokesman, told reporters.
have to be an absolutely short-sighted organization to twist things in
that way," said Peskov, saying Russia hoped common sense and an
understanding of the need to avoid confrontation would prevail.
was open for talks and cooperation with NATO, Peskov added, and did not
want to cast the alliance as an enemy. But he complained of NATO
soldiers and planes operating close to Russia's borders.
"We aren't the ones getting closer to NATO's borders," he said.
(Reporting by Dmitry Solovyov; Editing by Andrew Osborn)
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Given the unsavory choices for the next President of the United States, plus rampant election rigging, I was not going to vote in U.S. elections ever again. But then I discovered the Senatorial candidate below, for whom I can vote given that for U.S. voting purposes I continue to cast my ballot as as though I were still living in Arizona. Are you an Arizonan? If so, enough of warmongerer McCain! Vote Ward for Senate!
Video: John McCain is “Directly Responsible” for ISIS
Dr. Kelli Ward Region: USA
Global Research, July 06, 2016 Theme: 9-11& 'War on Terrorism'Ward for Senate In-depth Report: SYRIA: NATO'S NEXT WAR?
Published on Jun 22, 2016
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