NSC Analyst Proves GOP is Stealing Elections
By Denis G. Campbell and
Charley James
(c) 25 October 2012
UPDATED: Why is Mitt Romney so confident?
In states where the winner will be decided by less than 10%, of the
vote he already knows he will win. This is no tinfoil hat conspiracy.
It’s a maths problem. And mathematics showed changes in actual raw
voting data that had no statistical correlation other than programmable
computer fraud. This computer fraud resulted in votes being flipped from
Democrat to Republican in every federal, senatorial, congressional and
gubernatorial election since 2008 (thus far) and in the 2012 primary
contests from other Republicans to Mitt Romney.
This goes well beyond Romney’s investment control in voting machine
maker Hart Intercivic and Diebold’s close ties to George W. Bush. Indeed
all five voting machine companies have very strong GOP fundraising
ties, yet executives (including the candidate’s son Tagg Romney) insist
there is no conflict between massively supporting one party financially
whilst controlling the machines that record and count the votes.
A retired NSA analyst has spent several sleepless nights applying a
simple formula to past election results across Arizona. His results
showed across-the-board systemic election fraud on a coordinated and
massive scale. But the analysis indicated that this only happens in
larger precincts because anomalies in small precincts can be more easily
“Easy to Cheat”
The bigger the precinct (x axis) the higher the number of votes for
and corresponding decrease for Santorum and Paul when all lines
should look
like the Gingrich line. (Source: MA Duniho |
Retired NSA analyst Michael Duniho has worked for nearly seven years
trying to understand voting anomalies in his home state of Arizona and
Pima County. This publication has written extensively about apparent
vote machine manipulation in a
2006 RTA Bond issue election that is still being fought in the courts.
Said Duniho, “It is really easy to cheat using computers to count
votes, because you can’t see what is going on in the machine.”
When Duniho
applied a mathematical model to actual voting results in the largest voting precincts,
he saw that only the large precincts suddenly trended towards Mitt
Romney in the Arizona primary – and indeed all Republicans in every
election since 2008 – by a factor of 8%-10%. The Republican candidate in
every race saw an 8-10%. gain in his totals whilst the Democrat lost
8-10%. This is a swing of up to 20 point, enough to win an election
unless a candidate was losing very badly.
Since sifting through and decoding massive amounts of data was his
work for decades on behalf of the National Security Agency, he wanted to
understand why this was ONLY happening in large precincts.
Nose Counting
The idea of examining large precinct results came via a link to a
report written by Francois Choquette and James Johnson.
Choquette became curious about South Carolina primary results in the
February Republican contest. There a poll observer noted an unusually
big gain of votes for Mitt Romney in larger precincts than in smaller
ones. Choquette wanted to know why?
He examined and applied all of the normal statistical markers to see
where a variance might occur: income level, population density, race,
urban vs. rural, even party registration numbers. He found no
correlation to explain why Romney votes trended upward while Paul and
Santorum votes trended downward -yet only in large precincts.
Choquette then looked at all 50 states and found roughly a 10%
switch in votes from Democrat to GOP. This was noted in every state
except Utah, where the presumption was, as it was Mitt’s religious home
state and very conservative, there was no chance of Romney losing and no
variance was found.
Choquette even saw in Maricopa County, which is Phoenix and its
suburbs, that in 2008 Romney used this technique against John McCain.
But McCain beat him by too much for a 10% fraud gain to matter. McCain
tried to do the same thing in the general election to President Obama
but 9 million votes nationally were too many to make up.
Examining every county across America was too massive an undertaking
for any one person so he included a simple set of instructions and
encouraged others to do the same with raw vote totals in their
1. Download the text files of all raw actual vote results by precinct from the Secretary of State’s Office.
2. Arrange them in precinct order.
3. Put in all of the candidate totals for each precinct.
4. Sort the data by total vote smallest on the top.
Now here it gets a bit dense: He needed to add columns that show
cumulative totals by candidate then compare them by candidate to
establish trend lines.
That reveals trends should remain statistically constant throughout an election.
Stealing Votes
But as the spreadsheet shows, the larger the precinct, the numbers start to change dramatically.
“If percentages did not change from one precinct to the next, we
would see a flat line, but what we are seeing is sloped lines downward
for Democrats and upward for Republicans (or, in the case of the
Presidential primary, upward for Romney and downward for his opponents),
said Duniho.”
In every election contest, the trend lines dramatically crossed for
no apparent reason. It was revealed that votes were being systemically
bled off for Rick Santorum and Ron Paul and then being credited to Mitt
Once Duniho completed the spreadsheet, he pumped in actual vote totals from other Arizona election contests.
Chart showing Barber v Kelly special election to replace Gabby Giffords
result in Pima County where the margin of victory was too large even
with the supposed 'fix' in to overcome. |
He looked at every 2010 race in Arizona from Governor Brewer to
Senator McCain and Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. The trends lines all
did the exact same thing. Someone had manipulated the election outcome,
most likely one person inserting a programme inside the system’s central
computer… that flipped votes.
The results were astounding.
They showed that Governor Brewer actually lost her election and Gabby
Gifford’s razor thin less than 1% point re-election victory over Tea
Party Conservative Jesse Kelly was closer to a 20 point victory for her.
Duniho added, “We need to have strong hand count audits to confirm
the integrity of these elections. This means comparing hand counts with
official reports of the election.”
Ohio Precedent
This isn’t the first time Republicans have been charged with
vote theft. It happened in the 2004 presidential election, in Ohio and
In Ohio,
GOP consultant Michael Connell claimed
that the vote count computer program he had created for the state had a
trap door that shifted Democratic votes to the GOP.
He was subpoenaed as a witness in a lawsuit against then-Secretary of
State Ken Blackwell, and lawyers for the plaintiff asked the Dept. of
Justice to provide him with security because there were two threats made
against Connell’s life by people associated with Karl Rove. But in Dec.
2008, before the trial began, Connell was killed in a plane crash
outside Akron Ohio.
There were problems in Florida, as well.
A study by the Quantitative Methods Research Team at the University
of California at Berkeley found that anomalies between Florida counties
using touch-screen voting and those using other methods could not be
explained statistically. Noting the higher-than-expected votes for Bush
in three large Democratic counties, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach,
Michael Hout, a Berkeley professor who did the study said
there were strong suspicions of vote-rigging.
“No matter how many factors and variables we took into consideration,
the significant correlation in the votes for President Bush and
electronic voting cannot be explained,” Hout said. “The study shows that
a county’s use of electronic voting resulted in a disproportionate
increase in votes for President Bush. There is just a trivial
probability of evidence like this appearing in a population where the
true difference is zero—less than once in a thousand chances.”
Don’t Trust, Verify
Indeed the only way to 100% verify this election fraud would be through
handcounts of ballots by precinct, matching those results to the
reported totals. But as was mentioned earlier, a group in Pima County
has been trying unsuccessfully to get access to ballots to conduct such a
count for almost five years since anomalies first surfaced in voting
machines in 2006.
Is there a judge in Arizona likely to suddenly reverse past trends
and allow access to conduct such a handcount of ballots 12 days before a
national election? And if not, why not? Maybe someone needs to
commission the Anonymous hacker group to re-level the playing field
because the courts are not going to do it.
The results of Duniho’s analysis can only happen if votes are being
stolen, and the only way that’s possible is if the computerised machines
are programmed to steal them. Welcome to Zimbabwe.
More than 100 million Americans will cast their ballots thinking
their vote will be fairly counted. It should be. Yet the crooks know
they can safely flip up to 10% of votes without consequence. Anything
more than that is statistically suspect.
President Obama won by such a huge margin in 2008 that even with this
anomaly built into the system, he cruised to victory. This year the
election is much closer. Can American democracy afford yet another
election crisis placing three of the four last national Presidential
election results in question or worse: The outcome was stolen, the
outcome a victim of election theft?
Don’t Take Our Word
Use the spreadsheet above to do the maths in your own state,
county or precinct. The results are compelling. Then demand that the
Justice Department stop this insane view that results need to be
reported by 11 pm for the television networks. Demand hand ballot
We use paper ballots in the UK and results do not even begin to
trickle in until 3 am. The final outcome can take up to three days to
finalise. But voters in Britain know the count is accurate because every
ballot is transparently hand-counted. When I read
this article that Serbia, Belarus and Kazakhstan were sending election monitors to watch the US Election?, I knew we’d jumped the shark.
We are already being victimized by vote fraud on a scale that, in
another country, would lead to calls for international election
monitors. It is time for Americans to stop being victims of ghosts in
the machine.
(This story was simultaneously released on the magazine and The David Pakman Show of 25 October.)
Denis G. Campbell
is the author of 6 books including ‘Billionaire Boys Election Freak
Show,’ ‘The Vagina Wars’ & ‘Egypt Unsh@ckled.’ He is the editor of
UK Progressive Magazine and provides commentary to the BBC, itv Al
Jazeera English, CNN, MSNBC and others. His weekly ‘World View with
Denis Campbell’ segment can be heard every Thursday on the globally
syndicated The David Pakman Show. You can follow him on Twitter via @UKProgressive and on Facebook.
Charley James is a long-time independent
journalist who covers social justice, politics and economic issues. He’s
worked in print and broadcast media for national magazines, large
newspapers and major market radio and television outlets. Follow Charley on Twitter @SuddenlyHomeles.